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"boot camp" type resources for transitioning to IM/FP?

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Hey all, sorry to distract from the current raging topics of Covid and NP/FPAR, but wondering:

Think of transitioning from UC/EM soon (after this mess cools off) to something a little calmer and more relationship-oriented. Considering IM/FP (as well as psych, occ med, pain med or hospitalist, or practically anything less stressful and factorylike). 

Wondering if anyone can recommend multimedia or written resources that might be good for a quick brush-up, something akin to a boot camp, for outpatient internal medicine/family practice.  Reading Harrison's or CMDT cover to cover seems like an inefficient approach.

(While we're at it, any resources for Psych and Hospitalist?)

Thanks all.

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3 hours ago, MediMike said:

Interesting, I'll have to take a look at that. I was looking more for something oriented towards office-based internal medicine...you know, the nuts and bolts of hypertension management, diabetes management, GI complaint workup, sort of typical "internist" daily patient stuff.  But perhaps there is some crossover with the hospitalist stuff.

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12 hours ago, rev ronin said:

If you want an experienced FM PA to mentor you, I bet we could find you one...

You can’t beat this. I’m extremely lucky in that I switched from specialty to outpatient IM and I specifically took this position because of mentoring. The internist decreased his practice to do more teaching and mentoring of PAs in the practice. They’re considering this as a model going forward: more PAs providing care but with a physician or two as leaders.

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2 hours ago, turnedintoamartian said:

You can’t beat this. I’m extremely lucky in that I switched from specialty to outpatient IM and I specifically took this position because of mentoring. The internist decreased his practice to do more teaching and mentoring of PAs in the practice. They’re considering this as a model going forward: more PAs providing care but with a physician or two as leaders.

Sounds like old-school IM/FM clinical rotations where the residents/students were the wheel and would in turn come down the spokes to the center hub and review cases with the attendings in OP clinics.  More productivity with this type of model I believe.  Makes sense to me if you have APP's that you can depend on/trust.

Edited by GetMeOuttaThisMess
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