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Happy Veterans day to all our PA's who served...Even those in lesser branches then the Air Force....

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Today is a day set aside to recognize all of us for our service to America. Some of us faced gunfire and shed blood during our service others did not. The common thread is we all stepped forward without reservation to serve America when and where we were needed. I would do it all again if needed, and be honored to have you at my side.

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1965 was a tough time and Vietnam was a nasty war but I am more proud of having enlisted and serving than any of my other accomplishments. Had it not been for my military service, I would not have been a PA, I would not have had a family proud of my service, I would not have had my education supplemented by the GI bill, I would not be getting disability Insurance in my retired years and I would not have formed so many close relationships. De Oppresso Liber.

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