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Nervous about the interview!!!

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Hi, guys!

So I have an upcoming interview next week, which is my first interview for PA school every. I was notified of this interview last week, and I am nervous because I haven't had much time to prepare for it. I am reading books on how to prepare, but am still concerned because I am a naturally shy person (not extremely, but it's still obvious), so I am scared that I will go blank during the interviews when I get anxious. Is there anyone else that is also/has been in this situation and what are some tips that you can provide?

Thank you so much!

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Probably too late to do a ton of preparation other than to quiet your mind and think about (a) why you have started this journey, (b) be able to talk about obstacles you have overcome in your studies, realize [emoji2398] that this isn’t likely to be matchpoint in your life (there are usually other chances ahead) and (d) recognize that this isn’t the time to be shy (PAs meet new people all of the time and need to be able to talk to them.)


There has been a lot written about the need for mock interviews and attempts to make everyone interview like automatons. I feel that the best advice is to be yourself, but a slightly more outgoing version! Like you’re meeting a friend’s parents for the first time.


With just a few days to go, I recommend that you stop reading and build an attitude of calmness and confidence. You can do this.


Best wishes!



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Thank you for the advice guys! I think that I am overthinking this and worrying myself over it. I may try a mock interview for my next interview in 2 months. The one for next week was offered to me somewhat suddenly, so I may not have time for a mock interview. 

Thanks again!

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I’ve never interviewed for a PA program. But I have been interviewed for multiple jobs and consider interviewing to be one of my strong suits. I’ve sat on hiring boards and interview panels. My best advice to you would be to do your research about the program (I.e what you like about the program, what sets them apart) things of that nature. Additionally, I would echo @UGoLong in the sense of trying to relax a bit. Being nervous is normal and you should be nervous. Just not to the point that you can’t function. Be honest and specific when answering questions, relating them back to you and your experiences. Good luck! You’ll do fine.

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The point of mock interviews isn't to drum out all the individuality, but to get past the "deer in headlights" reaction of an unfamiliar question or a question asked in an odd way.  I would still recommend some mock interviewing, just as a way to get used to hearing the questions and saying something intelligent back.

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11 hours ago, rev ronin said:

The point of mock interviews isn't to drum out all the individuality, but to get past the "deer in headlights" reaction of an unfamiliar question or a question asked in an odd way.  I would still recommend some mock interviewing, just as a way to get used to hearing the questions and saying something intelligent back.

True, but I sure have seen it overdone in practice!

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