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How many school should I apply to?

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Just graduated with my bachelors degree and  am now actively figuring out how many schools I can apply to this upcoming fall. I have over 1000 hours of HCE as an STNA, a GPA of 3.77, and my GRE score was 299. Just wondering how many schools I should aim to apply for to have the best chances of getting accepted. I am also concerned about my GRE score since I did not score in or above the 50th percentile in any of the sections. Should I consider retaking it? Any information is greatly appreciated!! Thank you in advance. 

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I would retake the GRE until you get a combined score that's 300 or greater. Do you have a competitive science GPA? This question really just depends on your stats, goals, personal statement, etc. and how those align with the each school(s) missions and accepted students stats. Most people typically apply to 8-12 schools.

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If you think you can retake the GRE and get a better score, I would. 

In terms of how many schools to apply to, I would probably consider somewhere around 12 given your stats. GPA is good, but clinical experience is on the low side and GRE is borderline. 

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Agree with above. The schools you choose to apply to matter just as much as the number. However if you do the math 12 is the number that gives you the greatest probability of getting in. If there are more than 12 that really truly interest you then great apply to more but know that your chance of admission does not increase beyond 12 schools.

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18 hours ago, MT2PA said:

It's not about the number of schools, it's about WHICH schools.

Choose wisely.  You're an average applicant.

I agree with this. Do some research and find what schools fit YOU. It's so expensive to apply and I couldn't imagine spending thousands of dollars on schools that I'd consider a long shot. 

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Apply to the schools that you know for sure if accepted, you will attend it.  

A lot of people apply too broadly and when accepted to an out of state school they have some hesitation about following through. 

My first cycle I applied to 13, then I did 11 on my second cycle.

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