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CASPA Application/Anxiety

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First time applying to PA school this year and have gotten more down on myself about going to PA school. I'm in health care, have a master's degree in a healthcare-related science, >3.5 GPA, and have been working over four years. All that said, I'm feeling kind of slighted by the way a lot of PA programs have been telling me what they are now looking for in candidates. I've had conversations with various universities across the U.S. trying to find out which ones would be ideal to submit an application. What I keep getting told is that there is preference given to people who do not work in medicine and have never worked in medicine before, but willingly accept 6 months as a CNA, or EMT for bare minimum PCE. One college told me that diversity was important in the degrees that candidates carry (i.e. journalism, music theory, business). In fact, to keep diversity strong, the pool of applicants with healthcare-related degrees is smaller for the previous reason mentioned. I'm just frustrated because I feel like I've devoted a large part of my life to the service of others through working in health care and there are still considerable odds stacked against even those with medical backgrounds. Is anyone else feeling cynical about the application process?

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I want to avoid doxxing myself and/or maligning specific institutions that have made these statements to me. While it has not been every case, there was still a surprising number that preferred diversity in degrees received and minimal PCE compared to a medical background and years of experience. 

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Programs like diversity to be sure, but not to the extent of excluding good, experienced candidates with the necessary prerequisites, grades, experience, LORs, and a good story. I can’t tell if you have PCE or just HCE, so that might be an issue for you to address.

I recommend that you apply. You can only stay inside your own head for so long. See what happens.

Good luck!

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Then those are likely programs you don't want to apply/attend.  I certainly doubt this is the overwhelming feeling of the majority of PA programs.  

I  can appreciate the desire for diversity but most programs consider diversity within the healthcare field.

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