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Is having too many transcripts a problem?

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So PA is a second career for me.  I have my bachelors from one university and now I am going back to school to take a bunch of prerequisites for PA.  Here is my question - can you have too many transcripts?  I have taken all my post bacc classes at a community college.  I primarily took most of mine from one community college, but have been taking other classes at other colleges that offer them at times that wouldn't work for the primary community college I am attending. So far I have 4 other community colleges that only have 1 class taken at each of them, while my 'primary' community college I have taken around 10 classes at.

Currently I am at 6 transcripts and I don't want to go much higher.  A follow up question I have is about taking another class this spring.  I have the option to take a pathophysiology class online for 3 credits at another community college, which would bump my transcript list up to 7, or I can take it at my 'primary' community college and keep it at 6, but its only a 2 credit class.  I feel like the 3 credit class would look better but I don't want more transcripts...I don't care about cost at all, I just don't want it to look bad.

What would you recommend for my class? And do I have too many transcripts?

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I had 13 different schools I attended (will be 14 when I start in August), and only one of my interviews asked me about it. As someone already mentioned, and it was true for me that I was having to work around my work schedule. The other thing I said was that it was an advantage because I was able to research and cherry pick my teachers to get the best teacher I thought I could. Additionally, I said that it proved something more about me in the determination that I had to insure that I took my classes in the best/most logical order possible as well as not having all the extra work it took to attend all the various schools (applications, setting up email/Canvas, getting the prerequisites transferred, etc etc.) deter me from getting those classes. If that is something a program will really question, do you really want to go to that school? My personal answer was no. 

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