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What are my chances? Cycle #2

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Hi everyone. I am planning on applying for my second time this upcoming April 2019. This past cycle i decided to apply in June 2018 and didn’t get my apps in until late July. I just applied to two programs that i already qualified for. I think my main error last cycle was applying so late and to so few schools.  I should’ve just waited until this cycle, but it is okay because now i am more prepared and have a bulkier application. If anyone could give me advice on areas to improve on that’d be great! 

Bachelors in Respiratory Care (2017)

cGPA: 3.4 (Caspa 2018 calculation)

sGpa:3.4 (Casap 2018 calculation)

Since last cycle i have taken or i plan to have completed before this cycle: Bio 2(A),Chem 2(A), Genetics (A), Orgo I (TBD, estimating a B+ to be on the safe side), Stat (TBD, est A). This should bring my GPA up to at least a 3.5 - 3.6ish?

3,300 hrs PCE as a Registered Respiratory Therapist (full time current career)

100 hrs volunteer/HCE medical mission trip to Peru.

25 volunteer hours from various events in college

500 hrs leadership experience for running student run organization in college(dance team)

4 years of being on college dance team.

700 hrs non HCE work as nanny of 3 children including one autistic child

24 hrs PA shadowing (cardiac surgery, critical care/pulmonary, plastic surgery)

GRE: scheduled for March 30 (have started studying, hoping for a 300)

LOR: 1 PA I shadowed, 1 from my Respiratory Care Manager, and one from my Resporatory peogram director/professor(?). I can probably do another PA if that would look better, but I know some schools require a professor  

Any criticism would be helpful! My goal is to apply before May 15th this cycle to about 7 schools! Thanks in advance everyone!


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I'm assuming you got no interviews last time?

Everything looks solid.  Focus on a good personal statement, well-informed LORs, and interviewing technique.  You're not a shoo-in--heck, no one is!--but you should get interviews at multiple schools if you apply well, so be ready to capitalize on those with knock-'em-dead interview skills.

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5 hours ago, rev ronin said:

I'm assuming you got no interviews last time?

Everything looks solid.  Focus on a good personal statement, well-informed LORs, and interviewing technique.  You're not a shoo-in--heck, no one is!--but you should get interviews at multiple schools if you apply well, so be ready to capitalize on those with knock-'em-dead interview skills.

Yes still haven’t gotten rejections, but also no interview offers so i took this cycle as a no go and started taking more classes to get ready to apply to more schools. 

Even though i loved my personal statement last year i definitely need to change it so i will be working on that soon. 

I have been reading PA school interview books and really have been getting an understanding of the questions that will be asked and my answers. 

I feel like not getting in this cycle was a blessing in disguise so that i could be overly prepared this cycle. Thank you for the words of encouragement, and i will be taking your advise to heart!

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  • Administrator
1 hour ago, samweres said:

I have been reading PA school interview books and really have been getting an understanding of the questions that will be asked and my answers.

There is no substitute for mock interviewing.  What you've done so far might be a good start, but you need to be very comfortable with your answers to any predictable, or even off the wall, questions.

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Guest HopeToBePAC

I'd honestly be surprised if you don't get interviews. GPA is average but other than that everything else looks good. Just write a stellar personal statement and once you land in interview prep for it well. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
21 minutes ago, sejl154 said:

Hello samweres,

          I am an RRT too in this field for quite some time. Applied to 5 Universities this cycle. Interview offered from all five.. 2 offers, 2 waiting lists and one interview I declined. So I would say you are a great candidate for PA school. Just increase your GPA (I had 3.79-sGPA), PA shadowing hours is important ( I had 75hrs) and prepare for the interview very well. Do mock interviews and try to answer from your own clinical experiences. I know RTs' have seen many. Hope this helps. All the very best. Be calm & take it easy.


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