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I got into an out of state PA school that is relatively expensive (100k) but I would graduate in exactly 2 years and the program starts in January. I interviewed at 3 instate schools and still have not heard back. The state schools are so much cheaper (about 40k) but I would start later in summer 2018 and the programs are a few months longer. I also have another upcoming interview in my home state but it's not until after the out of state school starts and there's no way to move up the interview. I just feel all kinds of feelings and I'm not sure what to do. Should I keep waiting? And what if I end up getting into my state school but I've already started elsewhere? I would appreciate any advice or suggestions. 

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Once you start, that’s where you’ll be. If you have concerns, perhaps you should turn the offer down. Only you can decide.

Football teams have been known to take a field goal made “off the scoreboard” when they get another down from a penalty.

If you got in somewhere, there is probably a good chance you’ll get in somewhere else. Whatever you do, let it be the right decision for you and your future.

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If you haven't heard anything, I would also wait. I know school is upcoming in January but are you even ready to move out of state and dive into the books? Do you really connect with this out of state program and have nothing else holding you back? It will be two years you go out of state, so really make sure you like that school/program. It would be great to get accepted out of state and I understand that it would be problematic if you end up not getting accepted elsewhere, but I guess you would have to apply again next year and even then you would still have a shot at next cycle in-state. But having gone to 3 interviews and not heard rejections yet, I would say you are still in it. Ultimately, its up to you but whatever you choose, one day you will be a PA, because schools are interested in you. This is a career for life, so take your time, and choose wisely.

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I'm of the opposite mindset.  You have 1 acceptance guaranteed - that's it.  If you don't take it AND don't get in anywhere else this year, you're applying again next year.

This is of no help to you now, but for others reading this thread, don't apply to programs you aren't willing to go to.  You just find yourself in this sort of predicament and there is no right answer.

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This is definitely a tough decision. Like MT2PA said, the thing about waiting is that you are trading a sure thing for a possibility. Could it be a very good possibility that another school will call you for an interview, or that you would be accepted to the one you already have an interview lined up at? Sure, but there is also the possibility that you'd pass up your sure thing and find yourself reapplying again next cycle. 

If that occurs, you have to start factoring in not only the tuition difference between the schools, but the lost PA income you will be foregoing by going through another application cycle (still with no guarantees). Personally, I always say that all other things being equal, just go to the cheaper school. In this case though, it isn't a comparison between programs you have already been accepted into, but between a program you can start next month and some you haven't interviewed at yet (or even been offered an interview). You definitely have some soul-searching to do. 

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At one of the schools I interviewed, with a June start date, they mentioned that if you do get into a another program that happens to begin in January to let them know in order to expedite their decision.  I don't think it could hurt to let these programs know that you have been accepted to a program with a January start date and that you would prefer to attend their program and if possible to know their decision soon.  

As I have told others that could save 30-40k, in my eyes, those savings could get me a lightly used Porsche 911.


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