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What to expect in a Credentialing Interview?

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Hi Everyone,

I recently graduated, passed boards, and will start as a hospitalist PA soon. I will be doing a credentialing interview, which is a first for me, with the chief of medicine and several other staff members. I did some research online and found that this possibly includes things that references say or wrote, gaps in employment, qualifications, scope of knowledge/practice, why I want work at this hospital, etc. Does anyone know if this is accurate or what else it involves? I intend to treat this as a job interview (even though I've already been hired). Any help is much appreciated, and thanks in advance. Happy PA week!

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I interviewed for my initial job with the 2 MD's in my practice.  Once they gave me an offer letter I agreed I then had to apply for credentials with the affiliated hospital.  (Basically checked off a list of what I wanted privileges for, and provided copies of all of my licenses etc.)


I then had to meet with 3 doctors from the hospital not affiliated with my department.  There was the head of internal medicine, a pathologist, and the third person I am fairly certain no showed.  They basically congratulated me, asked me why I was interested in the field I chose, and said good luck.

(Funny enough the head of internal medicine started off stating, "You have a guy who comes in with X Y Z wrong, tell me exactly how you would work this up" and started laughing a second later and said I am just joking with you.  


I believe this was my "credentialing interview" and it was more formality than anything else.

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5 hours ago, sas5814 said:

Me neither and many of those questions are "before hire" questions so I'm not sure why they would be asked after you were hired. Keep us posted.

I'll update after the 25th when it takes place.


2 hours ago, UVAPAC said:

I interviewed for my initial job with the 2 MD's in my practice.  Once they gave me an offer letter I agreed I then had to apply for credentials with the affiliated hospital.  (Basically checked off a list of what I wanted privileges for, and provided copies of all of my licenses etc.)


I then had to meet with 3 doctors from the hospital not affiliated with my department.  There was the head of internal medicine, a pathologist, and the third person I am fairly certain no showed.  They basically congratulated me, asked me why I was interested in the field I chose, and said good luck.

(Funny enough the head of internal medicine started off stating, "You have a guy who comes in with X Y Z wrong, tell me exactly how you would work this up" and started laughing a second later and said I am just joking with you.  


I believe this was my "credentialing interview" and it was more formality than anything else.

Thanks! I hope mines will be the same.

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24 minutes ago, Reality Check 2 said:

Never heard of this or experienced it. I just signed a gabillion papers for credentialing with all the insurers. No interview.....

Someday I want to make up a stamp that reads something like "I signed this document without reading it because it fails the reasonable person test....because no reasonable person ever reads these documents.  My signature below strictly indicates an acknowledgement of what was verbally conveyed to me by the bureaucrat who handed me this paper."...and then stamp it on every ridiculous contract I ever sign.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update on credentialing interview:

Met with Chief of medicine who explained how the organization works and the process for credentialing, asked me if I had any lawsuits or pending suits against me, if my license has ever been suspended, felonies or however she put it, etc. Ask if I needed temporary privileges bc of possible delays with CDS license. Very informal, ~20 min.

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Never heard of this either. I've been in the process (new grad) getting credentialed at 8-9 hospitals for a private surgical practice and all those questions are part of a form I filled out along with supporting documents in order to get credentialed. No interview whatsoever. 

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