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Leather portfolio and purse to an interview?

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I have an interview coming up soon. I'm a female and was wondering if you guys think bringing a small black purse to hold my phone and other miscellaneous items to the interview would appear unprofessional? 

Also, is bringing a leather portfolio with my resume/personal statement necessary? I want to avoid bringing anything that will get in the way during the day, and I'm not sure if handing out my resumes would be needed. 

Would like to hear from anyone who has attended interviews and what they saw others brought along with them. 

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I always brought resumes just in case but unless a program asks you ahead of time to bring something (resume, transcripts) you won't likely need them.

I always carried a tote like bag that my portfolio could fit into along with my wallet/phone/keys as well as water and snacks.  Some interview days are long and you need to be prepared.  None one expects you to magically show up with no personal items.  Set the bag on the floor or outside the door (this is why I liked a tote bc it was made to stand and wasn't haphazardly lying around or in my lap) depending on what is appropriate and no one will think twice about it.

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We have a room where applicants can keep their stuff. People often travel out the night before and fly or drive home after their interview, so many people have suitcases and the like to have stowed for them.

Unless you have something really special to bring that wasn't in your application (and we have your CV), there isn't much you need to bring. Just a calm, friendly, interesting demeanor and know why you're here.

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2 hours ago, MT2PA said:

I always brought resumes just in case but unless a program asks you ahead of time to bring something (resume, transcripts) you won't likely need them.

I always carried a tote like bag that my portfolio could fit into along with my wallet/phone/keys as well as water and snacks.  Some interview days are long and you need to be prepared.  None one expects you to magically show up with no personal items.  Set the bag on the floor or outside the door (this is why I liked a tote bc it was made to stand and wasn't haphazardly lying around or in my lap) depending on what is appropriate and no one will think twice about it.

I had a bigger tote bag as well and it worked great to fit a legal pad in a leather portfolio notebook. I brought my CV and a copy of my CASPA but I never used that once.

I  really liked having the legal note pad since financial aid usually comes to talk to the applicants or just writing down names of different faculty you meet or even fellow applicants. The school might also give you a packet or folder of information that is nice not to have to carry around since you can store it in your bag :)

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1 hour ago, UGoLong said:

We have a room where applicants can keep their stuff. People often travel out the night before and fly or drive home after their interview, so many people have suitcases and the like to have stowed for them.

Unless you have something really special to bring that wasn't in your application (and we have your CV), there isn't much you need to bring. Just a calm, friendly, interesting demeanor and know why you're here.

Are you part of an admissions committee? Do you also teach?


To the OP - I brought a leather portfolio. A friend got me a nice one and I figured it would be a nice item to take notes with, which I did. I like to think it made me look more well put together. I don't think it will hinder you, and I doubt it will actually help you. 

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I carried a nice tote with my portfolio inside it. Most ladies did the same thing, and pretty much all of us had purses of some sort. I never used my resume or transcripts in any interview, but I would still play it safe and bring it just in case.

I don't think a purse is unprofessional as long as it is on the nicer side.

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I've been on 5 different interviews and always used a small black leather cross body purse. 3/5 interviews I went on it was raining (all in Southern California believe it or not haha) so I was also carrying an umbrella and jacket. A couple schools had a place for you to put your belongings before going into the actual one on one interview, but the others I just brought everything in with me and set it down in the seat or floor next to me. If you are bringing your belongings in the room, make sure your cell phone is turned off! As long as you don't make it a distraction, it won't be. I never purchased a nice portfolio...I just brought a folder and put my papers in there. Half the time you are given a folder from the school that includes paperwork and information about their program so I would end up putting my folder in there. I never once was asked for my resume and mainly brought the folder for me to review my written out responses to some questions during downtime. 

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Thanks everyone for your input! I went ahead and bought a padfolio to bring along with me.

Also, one more question! I hear a lot of people stating that girls should opt for a long sleeve, collared top underneath their blazer. I'm interviewing at a place that's nearly 100 degrees... is it ok to wear a sleeveless blouse as long as I keep it covered with my blazer?

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2 minutes ago, emilyyx said:

Thanks everyone for your input! I went ahead and bought a padfolio to bring along with me.

Also, one more question! I hear a lot of people shaking thang girls should opt for a long sleeve, collared top underneath their blazer. I'm interviewing at a place that's nearly 100 degrees... is it ok to wear a sleeveless blouse as long as I keep it covered with my blazer?

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Wear what is professional, while being comfortable. I wore a yellow polka dot blouse (thought yellow would be a happy color hah!) that was sleeveless with my a dark grey suit. I just made sure to wear a very wide strapped tank top underneath to ensure that no bra straps would be seen through the blouse if I did need to take my suit jacket off.

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Before my interviews, I was advised NOT to wear a black or gray blazer/skirt/pants because that's what everyone else would be doing, and there is something to be said for standing out. However, make sure you choose something professional, not too revealing, and shoes you are comfortable wearing for long periods of time. You don't want to be limping into the room for your interview because you just spent two hours walking on a campus tour in new shoes and now you have blisters! I wore a bright blue sleeveless dress (obviously with wide straps/decent length) for all of my interviews with gold/red jewelry, and I received lots of compliments. And yes, I got in. :) 

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