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Wait a year or go for it now?

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Hey everyone, I've started my CASPA but due to some unforeseen circumstances I have not submitted it yet. At this point I almost feel like I'm too late in the game. I have everything all set to go but my personal statement, which is proving more difficult than I thought it would. I would like to submit by 8/1, is that too late? 


My general stats are: 3.71cgpa, 3.62 sgpa.

GRE: 314; 154 q, 160 v, 4.0 writing

HCE: 2540 split between ob/gyn medical assistant, physical therapy aide & patient care tech. 

Letters: 2 MD, 1 science prof & 1 professor I TA'ed for. 

Volunteer: teaching underserved populations ~ 150 hrs 


Your app looks pretty solid, the HCE being the lower factor. If the schools you are applying too do not have rolling admissions then go for it. Check the forums for some schools though, some rolling admission schools have already filled their interview slots and are wait listing, some may already have accepted students.

I think if you don't mind spending the money, you should apply this cycle. While it is getting a little late, I think you could still probably get an interview or two depending on how many schools you apply to. If you don't get in this cycle it will at least have given you good practice and you can apply again next cycle much earlier. If money is a significant issue than I'd say just wait and get more PCE and work on your personal statement all year so that you can apply as soon as CASPA opens next year.

Last year I submitted 8/3 and was verified by 8/20. My GPA was a bit higher than yours but I had 1500 less HCE than you as well. Similar GRE. Applied to around 15 schools. I was invited to 10 interviews and received an acceptance after my second interview. I think you should apply this year! 

If I were you I would definitely apply this cycle. As mentioned above, try and look at schools who don't run off rolling admissions and you are a very competitive applicant. Stats look great, only thing I would suggest is maybe try and swap out one of the letters of rec for one by a PA. Best of luck!


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