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Notify students of missing pre-reqs / coursework?

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My primary question: If a pre-req is not satisfied by the program you are applying to, do the programs notify you? For example: if the program requests 9 credits of Psych/Soc/Anthropology and you only have 8. Example #2: If you are missing a lab component to the course where you have Microbiology but not the lab portion.


Secondary question: If you are missing ONE course and you are a degreed student (as in you have already graduated with a bachelors) can you still have a missing course and then take it if necessary if you get accepted into the program that requests the class?


Example: Drexel requires Medical terminology and none of the other programs I have applied to require it (although some recommend it); this course would be the only course I'd be missing. 


Thank you all in advance !

With thousands of applicants a majority of the programs will not provide detailed feedback. They will just filter your app as Diggy mentioned and once they can, they will usually send a generic rejection email. 


Don't waste your time applying to programs if you do not have the required courses. With thousands of applicants programs can be very selective, you'll be pretty much donating your money. 

Depends on the program.  As far as the Drexel situation - they likely will want to see the course in progress before considering you.  They wouldn't accept with the condition that you find and take a course.  They might, however, accept you if the course is in progress under the condition that you finish it with a satisfactory grade.


If you don't have med term in progress on CASPA they likely won't review your app - because you won't have the pre-req.


I had a few schools I applied to that I ended up not being able to take the course I needed in the summer so I wouldn't meet their deadlines and I just got straight rejections.  You are responsible for meeting a school's requirements.


The only time they might contact you is if you don't have a pre-req EXACTLY but have another course that might fit if they can see a syllabus or something.

If you dont have meet the requirements, sorry to say, but you will not get an interview. There are thousands of applicants that have worked their butt off to apply with all the pre reqs filled. take the classes and then reapply when you are ready. This is the only way to do it. Good luck  

I've had a program notify me that my Microbiology and Statistics course were off by 1 and .5 units respectively and that they would not consider my application until I had the adequate amount of credits. Other programs will automatically filter you out. I would suggest contacting the schools in question prior to submitting :)

Probably not. They'll just filter out your app to the round bin via caspa.



With thousands of applicants a majority of the programs will not provide detailed feedback. They will just filter your app as Diggy mentioned and once they can, they will usually send a generic rejection email. 


Don't waste your time applying to programs if you do not have the required courses. With thousands of applicants programs can be very selective, you'll be pretty much donating your money. 



Depends on the program.  As far as the Drexel situation - they likely will want to see the course in progress before considering you.  They wouldn't accept with the condition that you find and take a course.  They might, however, accept you if the course is in progress under the condition that you finish it with a satisfactory grade.


If you don't have med term in progress on CASPA they likely won't review your app - because you won't have the pre-req.


I had a few schools I applied to that I ended up not being able to take the course I needed in the summer so I wouldn't meet their deadlines and I just got straight rejections.  You are responsible for meeting a school's requirements.


The only time they might contact you is if you don't have a pre-req EXACTLY but have another course that might fit if they can see a syllabus or something.



If you dont have meet the requirements, sorry to say, but you will not get an interview. There are thousands of applicants that have worked their butt off to apply with all the pre reqs filled. take the classes and then reapply when you are ready. This is the only way to do it. Good luck  



I've had a program notify me that my Microbiology and Statistics course were off by 1 and .5 units respectively and that they would not consider my application until I had the adequate amount of credits. Other programs will automatically filter you out. I would suggest contacting the schools in question prior to submitting :)


Thank you all! I contacted Drexel about the course and they have notified me that they would still consider if the course was in progress. I appreciate everyone's input :)

Due to a clerical error by my community college, an old transcript was sent.  It didn't document that I had taken microbiology and a few other courses.  I was rejected by a school in the Northeast without explanation.  I wrote them, and asked why, and they were courteous enough to explain that I hadn't met prerequisites.  I assured them I had, and they said it wasn't on my transcript.


Fortunately, by then, I was offered admission to another program.  But without checking in, I never would have found out.


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