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New Grad contract nightmare

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So I am looking for a little input on a huge problem...

I have been working a FM job for 2 month now. I signed a 3 year contract that I had reviewed by an attorney that said it looked good, nothing out of the norm. There is a bi-weekly salary and a monthly stipend for signing a three year deal.....

After the first week I realized that there was a huge problem... The bussiness manager whom I was told was in charge of "credentialing" had filled out nothing... no SP paperwork... no prescriptive authority.. no malpractice.... no healthcare... etc.. I had submitted all of my license info and a stack of other paperwork weeks before...

I trained at one office for about 1 and 1/2 months... to get the flow and system down... I also covered for a bunch of vacations at other clinics.... My first day at my NEW assigned clinic I see 2 patients... my schedule is empty... and continues to be that way..

I get an email from the bussiness manager that I need to fill out the forms for malpractice again!!! Does this means I have no malpractice and I am on my own if something would go wrong?? My contract states that they will provide and cover all malpractice costs and provide tail coverage.... Is this reason enough to terminate the contract???

I want out bad and need to have "cause" or pay $8,000 in liquidated damages.....

Any suggestions would be appreciated....




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