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New grad ER job! So glad I listened to you guys...

Guest ERCat

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Guest ERCat

Not sure if you guys remember, but about two months ago I posted on here agonizing about whether or not to take this ER "fellowship" as a new grad. You guys basically told me that it was "slave labor," because I would be working for $35.00/hour and there was no didactic portion involved. And any hours beyond 40 would not be compensated, making the hourly rate even less. I reluctantly turned down the position because I trust your opinions (and overall I did not have a good feeling about the fellowship). I had looked around for other ER opportunities, but found that no one wants to hire a new grad. There is a very well-established, well-respected ER group in my town...I sent my resume to them a few times and stalked their HR department, but I never heard anything back. As a result I gave up on ever going into the ER, and I decided to pursue jobs in family practice.


Fast forward to last Thursday -- I am talking to a friend in my PA program and she mentions she used to scribe for the aforementioned ER group. I ask her if she can put us in touch. I email them, and they ask me to come in for an interview. I did this morning. They said that they have always been a group of solely physicians but recently started hiring "midlevel" providers (earlier this year) and have only hired five NPs so far. They recently realized that their providers were wanting to work fewer shifts, so they decided to hire one more. AND THEY HIRED ME! I GOT THE JOB! And I will be the first PA they have ever hired!


I am extremely excited about the opportunity. It seems like an amazing learning environment for a new grad, which is exactly the number one thing I am looking for. Two of their NPs were new grads, so they are very familiar with the learning curve and are willing to train. A doctor will oversee everything I do and sign off on it, and offer me feedback on what I need to do differently. Additionally, they have monthly provider meetings where they offer didactic stuff and even have workshops for procedures. They recently held a few workshops on bedside ultrasounds and splinting for their NPs. They are also extremely willing to teach. They have a lot of fellows who love training. The MD who interviewed me said, "This is basically a well-paid residency. If you want to learn something, just let us know and someone will teach you."


I would be working 3-4 shifts a week in the "midlevel" area which is mostly fast track. Yes, I know that it sucks that we are banished to a fast track area but I think this is a great way to start out as a new grad. Plus, he says we will get the overflow from the main ED so there will be opportunities to see higher acuity stuff. Additionally, they are opening a free standing 10 bed ER in a small town 20 miles away, which is where I might get to see higher acuity stuff. The pay is 55.00/hour to start. And they offer great benefits -- 2000 CME, 10 days of PTO the first year, and 100% (yes, 100%) of medical and dental paid. And top of the line malpractice -- it is occurrence, not claims made. I forgot to ask about 401K and licensing fees, but judging by the other benefits they offer I don't think this should be an issue.


Anyway, just wanted to let you guys know about the offer and THANK YOU because if it wasn't for all of you, I probably would have settled on some of the other mediocre opportunities I was offered. YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!





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Congrats on the job.

Starting in fast track doesn't suck. Its a great place to get comfortable with lower acuity pt's and to start learning how to "see" sick from not sick. Learn all you can form the docs (and anyone else willing to teach). Work hard, study hard and you will be in the main ED before you know it.    

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Guest ERCat

Just out of curiosity -- a friend told me that this ISN'T good pay for a new grad ER job? I am going to take it regardless just for the learning opportunity and the ability to work with such a great group but is this true?

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anything > $45/hr for a new grad for fast track only is good money (93k and change for 2080 hrs). a senior PA or em residency grad doing full scope em can look for and expect $60-70/hr+ full benefits. it used to be that breaking 100k was a big deal in em. now it's pretty standard within a few years of graduation, even doable yr 1 with a bit of overtime.

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This is very good pay for a new grad, especially in the environment you described where you can learn and improve your skills. You can always pick up more shifts to increase what you make if you want.

I started a bit over a year ago as a new grad at $46/hr plus full benefits then was bumped up to $50/hr when I had proven myself to the team after 3 months. We recently lost our contract to a big national company and am now paid $65 an hour plus benefits. In my brief experience I have seen how much room for growth PAs have in ER and truly think everything will continue moving in the right direction for us. I'm still learning new things every day and can't imagine a more satisfying and rewarding job. 

Good luck to you!

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