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Nose ring/stud during interview?

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There are a lot of threads discussing interview attire and facial hair, but I have only seen one comment on nose piercings. What are your thoughts? I have a small loop and was at least thinking about switching to a small diamond stud for my interview. I can also take it out all together. However there is still a hole so its not like I can hide the fact that I normally have a pierced nose. Thank You!

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I would consider the stud only.  I know most people say no piercings beyond the 2 in each ear, but I didn't follow that.  You have to go with what feels right to you. I have 3 upper ear piercings with small studs that I left in for my interviews.  Turns out one of my interviewers for my last one had an upper ear piercing too, and I decided to compliment her on it, and mentioned how I choose to left mine in against other advice, because I wouldn't want to go to a school that wouldn't choose me simply for my piercings.   I got an acceptance phone call 4 days later! 

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I also have a nose piercing and thought "I wouldn't want to go somewhere that judges me for a small diamond stud on my face....." BUT as my interview gets closer I am taking that thing out.  I am a pansy I guess - I just don't want ANYTHING distracting them from what I'm saying and so I don't even have to think about it. Granted, my hole is not visible when I take it out, you must have a different gauge.

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Thanks for all your thoughts. Its not that I have a large gauge hole I have just had a nose ring for over 20 years so its well established. My interview is a week from today. I took my nose ring out a few days ago to maybe allow the hole to close up a bit. I will probably make a last minute decision that morning. I definitely dont want any distractions or to look unprofessional however after over 20 years it is definitely part of who I am.

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The medical profession tends to lean more towards a conservative and professional appearance. I'd ditch the nose ring, which will only be gone for a few hours at the most. The committee is made up of fallible human beings and they're capable of judging or making false generalizations, so, better to be safe than sorry.

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