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Vitamin D and depression/SAD

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I have had very limited luck finding studies on Vitamin D deficiency and the link to depression or seasonal affect disorder. My current preceptor in primary care puts Vit D deficiency very high on her list of ddx for depressed patients and measures their levels as part of the initial work up (along with cbc, cmp, tsh). Living in the Northwest, in particular middle of Columbia River Gorge with the average high temp of 60 degrees, annual 35% chance of sunny skies, 51 inches of rain/yr..not a lot of time to soak in the sun.


So have you all found a link between Vit D and depression/SAD, is there a benefit to Vit D supplement to aid in improving a patient's depression/SAD? Are my research skills so poor to have overlooked obvious studies? Could you point me in the right direction or are things still mostly anecdotal?


Thanks so much

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Primary Care in Sunny California and I ALWAYS test vit D levels and TSH on patients with depression. I've done it for over a decade, and invariably, degree of Sx coincide with deficiency of VitD. Possibly a coincidence? I wish I had access to the literature I came across many years ago, but I don't any more.


Because I also see a large number of Internal Med patients (chronic CVD, HTN, IDDM, Arthritis, etc) I routinely test vit D levels (along with B12, Folic Acid, minerals, etc) I am astounded at the low levels of vit-D I often find in so many patients here in SUNNY Southern California.

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Primary Care in Sunny California and I ALWAYS test vit D levels and TSH on patients with depression. I've done it for over a decade, and invariably, degree of Sx coincide with deficiency of VitD. Possibly a coincidence? I wish I had access to the literature I came across many years ago, but I don't any more.


Because I also see a large number of Internal Med patients (chronic CVD, HTN, IDDM, Arthritis, etc) I routinely test vit D levels (along with B12, Folic Acid, minerals, etc) I am astounded at the low levels of vit-D I often find in so many patients here in SUNNY Southern California.


Studies from Southern California, Florida, the Middle East and other sunny places have all shown widespread vitamin D insufficiency/deficiency.

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Studies from Southern California, Florida, the Middle East and other sunny places have all shown widespread vitamin D insufficiency/deficiency.

Read an interesting article from an anthropology perspective about how Muslim women who practice some degree of covering up/modest dress also have greater VitD deficiency. Wish I could find it...

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I live in the pacific nw and personally take 2000 mg daily of vit d.

everyone I know around here who has been checked by their pcp has a very low level.

I think SAD is real. don't know about "major depression" from vit d deficiency though.

I used to live in southern ca and I definitely can tell the difference in my mood mid dec. here vs there.

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