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2020-2021 Application Cycle

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On 5/23/2020 at 10:46 AM, Shanmac28 said:

I know it really should be ! Do you know what we should except? 

It's hard to say. 

Another school I'm interviewing for in July via Zoom said to expect a virtual tour, Q&A, and finally interviews. My guess is it'll be something similar to that structure, but this is a unique situation, so who knows?

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On 5/22/2020 at 4:33 PM, AndrewsOkay said:

Hello everyone!


I just received an invitation to interview at SRU via Zoom on June 17th, so I figured I would get a thread started.

If anyone has had experience interviewing or being accepted by SRU, I'm sure everyone would love to hear about it. I know I would.

Congrats! Can I ask when your application was verified? Also, did you get an email confirming they got your application? 

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21 hours ago, Madisonnn said:

Hi everyone. My CASPA was verified on 5/21 and the next day I was contacted for the interview on June 17. Can’t wait to see you all there! 

Congrats! Did you have to fill out any additional applications on their website? My application was verified May 27th and I haven't heard anything. Getting anxious! 

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Okay, so I interviewed today and I just wanted to pass on some basic info about it's structure and what I learned.

The interview consisted of:

- A Q&A session

- A virtual tour of the university

- A 20 minute group interview in groups of 5

- A 10 minute individual interview

- A brief wrap up where any outstanding requirements are addressed in private

As for the school's probation status, the way they characterized it is that it is an administrative issue that has nothing to do with the quality of instruction. It was only touched on briefly, so I'm afraid I don't have specifics. However, there was a lot of talk about new equipment and the future of the program, so they sound confident that the issue has been addressed.

Overall, I would say I was Impressed with the staff and the interview process. I wish the best of luck to those waiting to interview and those waiting to receive an invite to interview!


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/18/2020 at 1:04 AM, AndrewsOkay said:

Okay, so I interviewed today and I just wanted to pass on some basic info about it's structure and what I learned.

The interview consisted of:

- A Q&A session

- A virtual tour of the university

- A 20 minute group interview in groups of 5

- A 10 minute individual interview

- A brief wrap up where any outstanding requirements are addressed in private

As for the school's probation status, the way they characterized it is that it is an administrative issue that has nothing to do with the quality of instruction. It was only touched on briefly, so I'm afraid I don't have specifics. However, there was a lot of talk about new equipment and the future of the program, so they sound confident that the issue has been addressed.

Overall, I would say I was Impressed with the staff and the interview process. I wish the best of luck to those waiting to interview and those waiting to receive an invite to interview!


Hey there! Thank you so much for the helpful info! Since the one-on-one interview is only 10 minutes, did the interviewer(s) ask the common traditional questions? My mock interview was much longer, so i'm curious as to how structured a 10 minute interview could be. I'd appreciate any feedback you can provide, thanks!

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