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AAPA Elections. An open letter from Dave Mittman

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Dear Colleague:

I am asking for your help and support and it’s a big favor. In 6 weeks I will be needing some very good people next to me, working together, to forward our profession into the future. I know many of the people running for office very well and they all are fine and good people. A number of these leaders have been fighting the progressive fight and have been outspoken about taking the profession to a new level for many years. They have called for and understand full responsibility/OTP, title change and other things we need to achieve for continued success and are now looking to how to implement these and more in the future.
That is why I am asking for you to support the following candidates running for office:
President: Beth Smolko
BOD:        Jenn Orozco
                 Billy Collins
                 Stephen Lewia
What I will ask you now is, if you agree, is to send your own email (not mine) to 20 colleagues ASAP who you know are AAPA members asking them to do the same. I do believe that these people offer us all the best chance to make next year and our collective futures the most positive they can be.
Also, whomever you feel are our best leaders, please vote!
With much thanks and optimism,
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