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Taking pre reqs at community college after graduation?

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Hi! I wanted to know if it would be better to take the pre reqs that i wasnt able to take during college after graduation at a community college, or do you recommend taking them during college years at community college during summer/winter break? Also, i have received couple of C for some science courses, do you recommend retaking them at the university or a community college? Thanks

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1) PA school is expensive.  Minimizing student debt is very important.

2) Some schools care about community college vs. online vs. four year university.  Most don't seem to, but if you have your heart set on a particular school, you better ask.

3) GPA averages! Be very careful if you already have some science C's--BCP and cumulative science GPAs are looked at very hard by schools, and those are perhaps more important than your cumulative undergraduate GPA some places.  Whatever you do, you need to get a science 4.0 or as close as you can to maximize your admission chances.

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i did some pre-req's as post-bacc (10 credit hours) at my local community college. Not one single interviewer batted an eye at those credits. I also did my first two years at a community college, again was never brought up even at a top rated and well known program.

As for making up for those C's I would take other science related courses and get A's in those first, those will impact your GPA greater than retaking those science courses and having them averaged out for instance you get an A the second time then you will only average a B.  I would only retake those courses if they're vital such as anatomy and physiology or something along those lines. But if it's gen chem I would take something else like immunology, micro cell bio, biochem, and try to get A's. Then, when finished with those retake your C's. 

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