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Hello Fellow EM colleagues,

I am a new graduate who will be starting in the emergency department this month. I am extremely excited to return to the ED after having worked in the ED as a technician for 6 years. I am looking for any recommendations on studying material, reference books, bootcamps etc anything that will help begin my career in EM. Thank you so much for any feedback!!!


-New Grad 

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The two standard texts for EM are Tintinalli's and Rosen's.  I strongly recommend Trott - Wounds and Lacerations, Emergency Care and Closure and Habif - Skin Disease.  Get a free subscription to Medscape and the free Epocrates on your phone.  Join SEMPA - go to the conference.  The EM bootcamp is very good, but I'd wait until you've been working for a year or so.  Having patient encounters in the back of your head will make the lessons sink in much better.

Expect at least a 3 year learning curve to become fully proficient.


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www.wikem.org is terrific.  One of the first things I open on each shift.

EKGs for the Emergency Physician by Amal Mattu.

The one SEMPA convention I went to was very worthwhile, but the workshops were of limited value (The EKG workshop had an EP from Portland Maine spend an hour telling us about taking care of heart transplant patients.....yeah....haven't seen one of them yet).


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