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PA end goal. Where do I go from here?

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Hello everyone, 


  A little about myself. I have been working as an EMT in the state of Georgia for about four years now. I have two months left of my paramedic course. When I graduate from my paramedic school I will have an associates degree. Halfway through paramedic school, I decided that I did not want to be in EMS my whole career but that my experience in EMS can be a good stepping stone for higher career opportunities. I decided after much thought that I want to become a physician assistant. It was a tough choice between choosing a nursing school and then going to get my NP but I really just thought to myself about the nursing model and medicine model. I am not sure if I would be happy with using the nursing model my whole career compared to the medicine model. I really enjoy the medicine model. The issue I am running into is my age. I am 25 years old right with an associates degree in two months. I know I need to attain my bachelor's degree prior to applying to a PA school. I do not know many options I have with an associates degree in paramedicine that can go further into attaining a bachelors degree expect Health Service Sciences. This degree is pretty pointless to me and I want to end up getting a bachelors degree that will allow me to fall back on in case I do not get accepted into a PA school. 


I was debating getting my nursing through a paramedic to RN bridge program but then I would still only have associates and I would still need to get my BSN prior to applying to PA school. It sounds good but too me it sounds like extra work that may actually slow my progress. I want to get into a PA school before the age of 32. 


Looking for some advice on anyone who may have been in my position and what route they may have taken. My goal is to attain a bachelors degree from my paramedic that will enable to find a good career while still working towards my PA or worse case will enable me to fall back on if PA school does not work out. That's why I was working towards thinking maybe getting my BSN but I am worried about my grades. Nursing school is hard and I do not want to take a more challenging route if I do not have too. I just do not know many options other than BSN-PA from a paramedic. 


Thank you in advance to anyone who has read my post.

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I admire you for trying to find a degree that is useful as a plan B. Just don't get too focused on the title of the degree and lose sight if the goal.

This is what I'd do. Figure out what programs you want to apply to first. Take into account where you can live, costs, average GPA, etc. Then, look at their prerequisites. I'd suggest making a spreadsheet at this point listing what each requires. Once you have this listed, you can figure out what degree will allow you to finish the prereqs you need in the most efficient fashion. In reality, you can study whatever you want. IMO, being a paramedic is a darn good fallback, but you could study something like fire science or even healthcare administration (which would obviously take more time). What is important is that you have a bachelors degree in something (anything!), you have completed the required prerequisite courses, and you have a competitive science and cumulative GPA.

As long as you keep your GPA up and can write and present yourself well in proper English, I don't think you're going to need to lean on your fallback too hard. Your medic experience will help you more than you think when it comes time to apply. 

All the best! 

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Guest thatgirlonabike

I'm a paramedic with a Environmental Science degree and 10 years of EMS experience.   I'm also 40 and starting school.  Take the time you need and just make sure you have your prereqs covered.   Get a degree you might be happy using in the future if you do change your mind in the next few years and don't want to go into medicine. 

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I was in the same position as you. I had an associates and was working as a paramedic. I got my Bachelors through southern Illinois university-carbondale, it was in fire service management and online, but a degree nonetheless. I completed all my pre-reqs at a community college. As long as you're grades are good you'll get in somewhere. I am currently finishing up my didactic year and nowhere that I interviewed cared what your degree was in. 

Also, look into PA programs that don't require a bachelor's, I know pacific university in OR accepts students without bachelor's degrees as long as they have completed all the pre-reqs and other requirements

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