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Where to put future EMT certification on CASPA?

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Assuming you already have other certifications and HCE, nowhere. There's no spot for planned work other than college coursework.


If you don't have any certifications or HCE, put it in the training section of your next year's CASPA application once it's been completed.

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  • 2 months later...

I'd call back; I think who you talked to is wrong. According to the CASPA instructions:


Q: I haven’t begun my experience yet, but plan on doing so soon. Can I report that?

A: No, you cannot report “planned” experience. Once you have accumulated the experience, you may send updated information directly to the schools to which you are applying.

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  • 7 months later...
I'd call back; I think who you talked to is wrong. According to the CASPA instructions:


Q: I haven’t begun my experience yet, but plan on doing so soon. Can I report that?

A: No, you cannot report “planned” experience. Once you have accumulated the experience, you may send updated information directly to the schools to which you are applying.



I think that the experience they are referring to in this particular question is the actual direct patient care hours. You can't assume you will have 200 more hours by next month, for example, because you could reduce your regular hours, lose your job, etc.

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Then whats the point?


Why list it under HCE with a total of 0 hours? With a job description of "Im not sure, Im not even certified yet but I plan to be"


I think that the experience they are referring to in this particular question is the actual direct patient care hours. You can't assume you will have 200 more hours by next month, for example, because you could reduce your regular hours, lose your job, etc.
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as CASPAGODESS said...i would check again....


in the FAQs for health related training it specifically states:

In this section you should list any current professional certifications. Any certifications you earned at an institution for which you received a transcript with grades should be reported under the coursework section of the application




Actually I called CASPA today and was told it could be included in the other health related experience section. I will be double checking before I submit just to make sure. I was surprised myself
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