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Just curious.  Is there anyone out there who applied to multiple schools who have yet to hear back about even one interview? I know they say waiting is the hardest part, but I am starting to wonder if there was something wrong with my application, so I have not heard back from any of the 10 schools I applied for.  I was just wondering if who was in a similar situation.  

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I just heard yesterday, and I know they started sending out invites for this particular school in late August/early September. As others have mentioned, as long as you don't have a rejection, your'e likely still being considered. I totally get the frustration though. It was starting to weigh on me more and more as the weeks were going by. Keep your head up!

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I just want to give you a little encouragement/hope. I commented on this thread a few days ago saying I had yet to receive an interview. I applied to 16 schools, have gotten 5 rejections without interviews so far, and I JUST received my first interview invite today. I know it's so hard not to lose hope, but it isn't over until it's over. Hang in there!!  

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2 hours ago, paPassion7 said:

I just want to give you a little encouragement/hope. I commented on this thread a few days ago saying I had yet to receive an interview. I applied to 16 schools, have gotten 5 rejections without interviews so far, and I JUST received my first interview invite today. I know it's so hard not to lose hope, but it isn't over until it's over. Hang in there!!  

congrats!.  That is great.

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I've heard back from exactly 7 of the 19 schools I applied to thus far. You're not alone. Lots of people are in the same boat as you on not hearing back from the majority of schools at this point. The only schools most people have heard back from are those with rolling admission, and even then some of those programs conduct interviews in November, December, January, and February. It's all very situation dependent based on the specific schools you applied to.

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Honestly, I think the best thing you can do to alleviate the pain of waiting is to just start thinking of how you can improve your application for next year in the event that you aren't accepted this cycle. If you have a 4.0 GPA and a couple thousand hours of PCE but you know that you are weak on interviewing, then start looking up how to improve your interview skills. The same thing goes for a low GPA, poor GRE score, or only having a small amount of PCE hours -- practice a little self-reflection, find out where your application needs improvement, and start making plans about how you will improve those weak points. 

I had a relatively strong application in most areas, but by August of my application cycle (before I had any interviews or rejections) I was already thinking through what I would do if I didn't get in and how I would improve my application. I think this was beneficial in that it helped get me in the mindset that it was entirely possible that I wouldn't get in, but it also reaffirmed that if I wasn't accepted anywhere my first cycle that it wouldn't be the end of the world. Additionally, it gave me something concrete to focus on and goals to work towards that helped me feel like I still had some control over the process and that I was actively working to improve my chances of eventual success as much as possible. Finally, it helped me answer the inevitable interview question "What will you do if you aren't accepted this cycle?", which I had a ready-made answer for since I was already making plans for that contingency. 

There's no doubt about it, the waiting game sucks. But it's all part of the process, and the best thing you can do about it is to be proactive in working to make yourself a better applicant, even if it just means continuing to work at the patient-care job you already have or ensuring you do well in any prereqs you still have in progress. 

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