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Boomers as PA's. Who was the oldest to graduate from a PA program?

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This is just for fun, but I've been wondering how many of us Boomers changed careers to

become PA's. I changed from computer networking support to physician assistant. I had a head start because I'd been a medic in the Air Force during Vietnam, but I spent most of my working life in technology. So, anyway, I graduated from Barry University in St. Petersburg, Florida, at age 58. Do I hear any higher bids?

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Inspiring story, billmcc1. Thanks for posting. Please tell me, was it worth the change?


I graduated last week at the age of 49. I left an academic career (yes, I resigned my tenure....) to train as a PA. I'm jobless, hopelessly in debt, and basically terrified at the prospect of practicing medicine.


Contrary to my parents' opinion when they attended the ceremony, I was not the "senior citizen" of my program. Two of my classmates outranked me - at ages 50 and 51 on graduation day.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think the employers expect more of a recent grad when they are older because we look like we should be experenced. Which of course we are --just not in being a PA. And some of the residents during my rotations did a double take but usually were able to deal with it. The attendings were okay.

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