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Post-verification GPA incorrect

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Evening folks,

Let me preface this by saying I wasn't a strong student in my original (philosophy) undergrad, but I've been digging out of that hole for 7 years since and my application is strong outside of my overall GPA. And this is my first application cycle and experience with CASPA.


I got my verification notification today and cracked open my application pdfs to check them: My total earned (graded) credits is off, as are my quality points. 9.5 earned credits and 12.4 quality points, to be exact. The only thing I can figure is that they double-entered some of my less desirable courses. But the big issue here is that the difference is just enough to pop my overall GPA under a 3.0, which is the cutoff for every program I've applied to. It's verified. So it's been sent to my programs already? I sent them my excel work and unofficial transcripts for reference; I attached the excel sheet with my calculations in case anybody is curious - or wants to check my math.


Can/will CASPA fix this? (Is the spreadsheet I provided enough to be convincing?)
Should I be notifying my programs on my own that I'm currently disputing my GPA with CASPA? (I'm worried they may decide to toss my application when they see a sub-3.0 overall gpa)

Thanks in advance, and sorry if this is long-winded or convoluted. I may or not be panicking a bit currently (CASPA was "in a meeting" when I tried to call them at 16:00)

Credit Hours shareable.xlsx

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I don't understand what you are saying they miscalculated. 

If you're saying the grades you calculated yourself are different from what CASPA calculated...well welcome to CASPA heartbreak.

If you are saying they entered courses wrong (different from what is on your transcript) they WILL fix it. They forgot to enter my biochemistry course for some reason so I had to shoot them an email. 

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You need to visit CASPA website and see how they grade certain courses. 

Some of your classes may have been graded differently EX. pass/ fail classes, quarterly hour classes. 

or post a picture of the pdf CASPA gives you and ill take a closer look. Im having a hard time following your excel sheet.

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I found the error: My original undergrad transcript has some idiosyncrasies about it because it tries to include a sister campus' course list - a bad one size fits all.

Because of the lack of clarity, they added 9.5 credits (and the not-great grades that went with) to the transcript interpretation. 

So I found the verifiable error, I just need to figure out what to do about it - especially whether to reach out to my programs about it or not...

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If you know its an error, you should contact CASPA customer service so they can review it. If it is a mistake they will fix it, you just have to find the mistake (which it sounds like you did, that courses were duplicated between campuses?). Just make sure you can explain what you're talking about so they can see what you're seeing. CASPA GPAs are done automatically so the only errors come from items not being entered correctly on coursework. If you can point out the items duplicated and why they are duplicates, they should be able to fix it.

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