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Can I legally practice without Malpractice insurance?

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I am waiting for my employer to get me covered. Is there any legal reason why I can't practice until I actually am covered? Or is it legally permissible but simply dangerous because I am exposing myself should any malpractice be alleged? So, in short,


(1) May a PA legally (under US health law) practice without insurance, or is it similar to not being allowed to drive a car until the car is insured?


(2) If one does practice, as a physician extender, am I covered under the physician's license while I don't have my own malpractice?

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some docs in private practice have chosen to not carry malpractice and they have 100% of their patients sign a waiver in front of witnesses that states they are not liable for ANY adverse outcome including one due to negligence or any other reason. in exhange for this the docs charge lower rates.

as a pa, especially in your circumstance it would not be wise to practice without it. what if your first patient on your first day develops anaphylaxis and dies from an rx your prescribe? just don't do it. your doc should be able to get you covered quickly, if not he/she is stalling for some reason. it doesn't take that long to get a policy as a pa working for a doc in a standard practice arrangement.

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it is called going naked..... and just like those childhood dreams of showing up with no clothes to the first day of school it is a bad idea.


It can be a good idea if it is on purpose and you have a ton of legaleze stuff to protect you and you don't own a single thing (everything is owned by a trust and the doc owns nothing - hence who would want to sue him) - but in today day and age I am unsure why anyone would want to do it. I can't imagine even trying to pay a defense lawyer to defend a frivious law suit..... that in itself would cost far more then a few years of premiums




your doc should be able to add you just about overnight......

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