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Experiences/Release Authorization

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Just two quick questions:


1. For the experiences/employment etc. section of CASPA it asks for Release Authorization (May we contact this organization?). Does it look bad or negative if you check the "NO" box? Not that I did anything bad, I just don't want them to bother the organizations. What did you guys do?


2. Also if I was a co-founder and vice-president of a club, would I list that under achievements?


Thanks in advance! 

  1. I listed NO for 2 of my prior PCE jobs. Didn't do anything bad...just don't think it's important enough for Adcoms to contact them since I said yes for my current position that I received 2 LORs from. 

Achievements or Volunteer (since you volunteered your time)


1. For the experiences/employment etc. section of CASPA it asks for Release Authorization (May we contact this organization?). Does it look bad or negative if you check the "NO" box? Not that I did anything bad, I just don't want them to bother the organizations. What did you guys do?



That's not a good reason...and probably would look bad.

The only common reason to check "no" that I know of is if you still work there and don't want them to know that you are trying to leave. The same holds true with job changes.


Organizations are not "bothered" to be checked on for past employees; it happens literally all of the time.


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