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Are you thinking about becoming a Physician Assistant but have questions and don't know where to find a PA to talk to?


Are you currently applying to a Physician Assistant Program but have questions about the program you are applying to?  Or you aren't sure about some of the courses you took in college.  Volunteer hours.  Shadowing.  How you can make your application stand out from the rest.


Are you having trouble writing your Personal Statement?


Have you received a letter from a Physician Assistant Program about an interview and need to prepare?  



Total scam, I wish people would not advertise this kind of service on a professional forum like this. If people want to seek out and find these services so be it, but don't advertise it on the forum.

  • Moderator

Wow, sorry I missed this- I will leave this topic up, edited of course, as a warning that advertising such as this is against the spirit of this forum- and if the original poster posts anything again, they will be banned.


This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies.

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