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Urgent Care Reference Material

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I am transitioning from Hospitalist medicine to Urgent care and was hoping to get suggestions for good books or pocket guides I can use to brush up on typical urgent care complaints. 



  • 3 weeks later...
Guest ERCat

Totally agree with the above. That book is worth every penny. Also get the app PEPID. Very useful in ER AND urgent care. Use the SEMPA page for the link to PEPID and you can get a discount.

  • 3 weeks later...

Agree as well, Minor Emergencies is a great reference, I probably don't use it as often as I should.  A few things I use every day: (1) Uptodate.  It's the greatest thing since sliced bread (Almost).  They have a monthly membership for 53$ in case you are gun shy to pay the full year.  I Use it every single day.  (2)  EMRA Antibiotic guide.  Great reference.


I've actually never heard of PEPID, I see they have a differential generator where you enter the symptoms...that's pretty cool, that would also be really useful when you are starting out.

It is NEVER a spider bite - it is MRSA........................


Anyone with a uterus gets a pregnancy test.


Not being callous, just the first thing that popped into my head.


If you have time - get into the computer (without upsetting the HIPAA police) and look at the chief complaints of previous shifts and see what they came out as - it gives you an idea of what walks in your door. See what the trends are in workups and what meds are used. 


It really is interesting to see the regional differences in preferences for workups and meds. When I moved from a southern state to the northwest - HUGE changes in approach and meds - and a lot of changes in pathogens too.


I don't use paper texts too much anymore but count on emedicine and uptodate a lot.

  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...


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