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right at the minimum- confused

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Typically if you are below the cutoff your application is essentially automatically screened out. Applying to schools that you don't meet the defined minimums is a waste. Its been a while since I filled out CASPA, but often times GPAs are lower since both grades are averaged, not just the replaced grade.


You could retake it Ochem and/or take new/additional classes. I believe they should impact your GPA similarly.

Last year when I applied to schools, the same thing happened to me. I calculated my science GPA to be over 3.0 but when the actual GPA came up on CASPA it was a 2.9. I still received several interviews and got in. So it's not entirely impossible. 

Are you sure that you entered the correct categories for the science classes? When I applied last year, the same exact thing happened to me. I calculated my sGPA above 3.0 and CASPA calculated it as below 3.0. I went back through my calculations and realized that I entered a couple of my science classes as non science categories. For example, I listed my Biology of Aging class as "gerontology" instead of "other science" and I didn't realize that gerontology was in the non-science category. The class was given through the Biology department at my school so it was clearly a science class and when I contacted CASPA about it, they changed my GPA for me right away while I was on the phone. There was also a bioethics class that they calculated as non science. So the two of those combined made a significant difference in my GPA calculation. Since it was just your science GPA that you were surprised by, it makes me think that you could have entered the categories wrong. I would go back and compare your calculations with CASPA's and see if you can find the reason why your calculations differ. 

By the way, I had very similar stats as you, and I got in last year, so don't lose hope :)

Are you sure that you entered the correct categories for the science classes? When I applied last year, the same exact thing happened to me. I calculated my sGPA above 3.0 and CASPA calculated it as below 3.0. I went back through my calculations and realized that I entered a couple of my science classes as non science categories. For example, I listed my Biology of Aging class as "gerontology" instead of "other science" and I didn't realize that gerontology was in the non-science category. The class was given through the Biology department at my school so it was clearly a science class and when I contacted CASPA about it, they changed my GPA for me right away while I was on the phone. There was also a bioethics class that they calculated as non science. So the two of those combined made a significant difference in my GPA calculation. Since it was just your science GPA that you were surprised by, it makes me think that you could have entered the categories wrong. I would go back and compare your calculations with CASPA's and see if you can find the reason why your calculations differ. 

By the way, I had very similar stats as you, and I got in last year, so don't lose hope :)

Thank you for your response! I'll check tonight after work and do some in depth research! 


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