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NCCPA Survey

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Hello everyone, I rarely post - mostly lurk. But I feel it is important to share this. I received the following email from the NCCPA. I dont recall stating in my response I would do this/participate - but now I've been asked to respond. Have any of you received this?  I want to respond, but......


      Core Medical Knowledge and Skills: Recruitment Survey          


When you responded to NCCPA’s recent survey about a proposed new recertification model, you expressed interest in participating in a two- to three-day meeting to help further refine aspects of the proposed model. More than 7200 PAs have indicated that they would be interested in this work, and we thank you for your interest in this important project!  

Later this year, the NCCPA Board will consider the feedback received through that survey and other means and will make a decision about whether to pursue this new approach to recertification. In the meantime, we are working on important details that will help us develop cost estimates, possible implementation timelines and specifics regarding how the new exams would be structured and delivered IF the Board decides to move ahead. That information will help inform their decision-making process.
One of the questions we have to answer is: What constitutes the “core medical knowledge” that would be assessed on the take-at-home component of this recertification exam model? Defining that content will help us determine important details about the length and design of those exams.
We are now contacting you to determine your availability for specific meeting dates to define the "core" medical knowledge and skills that would be the focus of the take-at-home assessments if this model is pursued. Approximately 60 PAs will be invited to work with NCCPA to determine the most important aspects of medical knowledge and skills that should be included in these potential new assessments. Participants will be selected to ensure that a diverse group of individuals representing the PA profession are engaged in this project. The final group of participants will be selected using a stratified random sampling strategy to ensure broad representation and objectivity in the process.

If this work interests you – or if you remain interested in working with NCCPA in some other capacity --please complete the survey at the link below. This survey will close on Sunday March 20th at 11:59:59 PST.


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not that i'm not interested, just not sure how or what kind of input to offer as i felt the initial survey was "rigged" and my comments at the end were very specific regarding the recert process. i'm not happy with the current method. so - i thought i'd put it out here in this forum, see if my fellow PAs have some idea of what they'd like and make it collective. seriously, what do we consider "core medical knowledge"? that we shouldnt kill someone or that i have to manage a diabetic when my specialty is nowhere near primary care?

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I have answered every survey and still feel that NCCPA has ZERO IDEA what I do on a daily basis in Family Practice.

The tests do not reflect my practice nor what meds I have used for 25 years - successfully, I might add.


Their whole spiel about patient safety just astounds me - as though we are all killing people and leaving bed rails down.


NOTHING focuses on the reality of Medicine as McDonalds or patient responsibility or the disaster of our medical delivery system in the US.


They keep acting like nothing is wrong - just take this test.


Now, I have received an email wanting to know if I can go to a 3 day conference about this.  Really - with what funds and how do I leave work - solo FP - I am not here - my doc partner suffers endlessly. 


So, I do not see anything that is going to improve despite survey after survey after survey. And, whoever is writing these surveys is about as cryptic and nebulous as possible.


So, my question - Does ANY of this help my daily practice?


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I have answered every survey and still feel that NCCPA has ZERO IDEA what I do on a daily basis in Family Practice.

The tests do not reflect my practice nor what meds I have used for 25 years - successfully, I might add.


Their whole spiel about patient safety just astounds me - as though we are all killing people and leaving bed rails down.


NOTHING focuses on the reality of Medicine as McDonalds or patient responsibility or the disaster of our medical delivery system in the US.


They keep acting like nothing is wrong - just take this test.


Now, I have received an email wanting to know if I can go to a 3 day conference about this.  Really - with what funds and how do I leave work - solo FP - I am not here - my doc partner suffers endlessly. 


So, I do not see anything that is going to improve despite survey after survey after survey. And, whoever is writing these surveys is about as cryptic and nebulous as possible.


So, my question - Does ANY of this help my daily practice?



From what is posted above in order to get this email you answered "yes" you would be interested.  So, are you upset you got the email?  Did you get it in error.  If you are unable to attend, or have no desire to attend, then don't respond to it.  No discussion needed about where funds are coming from to pay for your time off...right?  This is for those that desire to provide their opinion about the future.  


Also, I do not think in any way the PANRE should discuss McDonalds or the disaster of our medical delivery.  These items do not determine if we have core medical knowledge as a generalist medical provider.  The NCCPA is not in the business of doing anything but making sure PAs are competent medical providers.  As part of practice we should probably understand that patients have problems if they eat at McDonald's every day and can have problems with access to healthcare.   


Exam questions on the PANRE/PANCE have to be literature based.  They can not be tailored to your individual practice.  

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Guest Paula

How does NCCPA make sure PAs are competent medical providers?


I thought it was my responsibility to be competent and my employer's duty to ensure that for the patients.  Not a test. 

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