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Is no news...good news while others are receiving rejections and interviews?

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Anxious because I haven't heard anything from anyone:sweat: (applied to 10 schools-which all have notified me they have received my application). Also, is it proper etiquette to never receiving anything from a school? I feel like some schools would rather just pretend you didn't apply instead of break the bad news.

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  • Administrator

No, no news is not particularly good news. It most likely means you've met the basic prerequisites (hence no auto-reject), but aren't compelling enough to have been picked up immediately for an interview. This may vary based on how different schools do things, of course.


Don't sit around waiting for news! Keep buff'ing your app as if you had to reapply next year... because you just might!

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I agree first round of rejections are probably those that did not meet the req to apply (pre-req, HCE, GPA, GRE etc...). So good news you met at least the MINIMUM req. But that might not be enough to get an interview. Find out when they are interviewing, then if you don't get a call to interview well then it is probably bad news. If this happens look at how your requirements stack against the Min req for each school and work on improving those stats for the next cycle.

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Also, is it proper etiquette to never receiving anything from a school?

Sometimes. Although make sure this isn't your fault somehow. How does the school communicate with applicants? Email? Phone? Special website portal?


I screwed up with one of the schools I applied to this way. It worked out, but cautionary tale... I know everyone on here is super concerned about appearing high-maintenance and harassing the admissions office, but it doesn't hurt to contact them *once* to check on things and make sure you're doing what the school expects of you.

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