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Advice Post. Anthing Helps!

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Hello, so this is my third time posting about this topic on the forum but as my stats have changed significantly I feel I need some new feedback and advice. Any feedback is appreciated!


So this current cycle is my second time applying, I applied to 10 programs: Stony Brook, Wake Forest, Augsburg College, Madison, Marquette, Duke, Elon, Union College, Touro California and JCHS. So far I have not been invited to any interviews and have been denied by all but Touro, Wake Forst, Madison and Augsburg.


My current stats are as follows:

cGPA: 3.24, sGPA: 3.15, last 30hrs 3.74

GRE Scores: 157V, 147Q, 4.0AW

Experience: 1000hrs CNA assisted living, 3000hrs CNA in hospital orthopedic unit

Volunteer: church mission trip to Haiti 88hrs, physical therapy center volunteer 50hrs

Shadowing: 35hrs shadowing PAs in various settings

My LORs for this cycle were from a former biology professor and advisor, a director of nursing/former supervisor of a large urban hospital, and my church pastor who supervised the Haiti mission trip.


If I choose to apply again next cycle my GPAs will be higher, cGPA 3.25 sGPA 3.20, as I am taking 2 science courses biomedical ethics and pathophysiology. I would also have 5 LORs from a NP who I work with, my nurse manager, my former professor/advisor, my pastor, and hopefully a physician I work with. I would also have more direct patient care experience as well as volunteer hours from volunteering at a homeless shelter.


Given this situation do you think I should try to apply again next cycle with slightly improved stats or if I should throw in the towel for a while and go for a accelerated bsn/msn degree and attempt to apply later on in life for PA school when hopefully my grades are better? I just feel so defeated, I know my grades are holding me back and realistically there is no way to raise them significantly without attempting another degree. I feel nursing would allow me to gain higher quality experience as well as raise my GPA although it is not exactly what I want to do and my passion lies with becoming a PA. The reality of my situation is that CNAs do not make much money and applying to PA programs is expensive as is taking courses to boost my low GPA. I feel stuck and am not sure what to do and feel as though I will never get in to a school with my grades. Any feedback is appreciated and thank you!

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Apply to a wider array of programs, places like Duke, Stony Brook, Wake Forest etc are elite programs and someone with your GPAs is likely not super competitive there. Apply to programs that emphasize last 30-60 credit hours completed. You should be able to get in somewhere with your current stats (unless your PS or LORs aren't good) as long as you apply broadly enough and early in the cycle

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I would love to get a letter from a PA, but unfortunatly I don't often work with them on my unit and feel as though I dont know any well enough for them to write me a meaningful letter.

this might be part of the problem. someone reading your file might think that you don't understand the pa career field because you have not worked with PAs. maybe get a volunteer position at a free clinic that uses pas and after a few months have one of them write you a letter. back in the day, it was required to have a letter from a pa and a letter from a doc as well as an academic letter from a professor.

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So you seem to think the problem may lie more with my LORs than GPA? Would you feel that an accelerated nursing degree is unnecessary?

higher level experience would certainly help, but would also spend some time with PAs. I had a 3.2 gpa, but stellar letters from a doc and pa I had worked with for 5 years.

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I think your application is fine except for the GRE. Most GRE schools want at least a 150Q. I would say retake the GRE or apply to nonGRE schools. Also, i think your biggest problem with this cycle is you didnt apply wisely. You applied to some very top programs and unfortunately your GPA wont make their cut. Before applying again next year look up schools with average GPAs of around 3.4-3.5 i really dont think your GPA is the problem. Tons of people get in with below average GPAs.

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I'd ditch the LOR from the pastor.  I know he was in charge of the mission trip, but reqs from supervisors (PAs! Drs!) would be stronger.  You can shadow more PAs and maybe have one of them write a LOR.


The grades aren't necessarily a problem, except for some of the programs you applied to, but they certainly aren't the best out there.  Based on what's here there is nothing that screams 'we HAVe to have the applicant'.  Better grades, better GRE, better LOR, and apply to schools where your stats are at least avg and you should have a chance.

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