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2012 applicants?

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Cseyfi,I received my letter in the mail via USPS. It was sent to my parents house bc I guess thsts the address I had on file at the time of application but I got married & moved. I put my new address on the application but for some reason it did not come to my house. Wish you the best of luck this year. People are still receiving them so hang in there.

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Hello guys,


Could you guys please share some of your statistics for us. I will be applying this year and is wondering if I will be able to gain acceptance to the school. I know that once you apply you will know whether or not you qualify, but I want to make the most of my application and hope to improve on my weaknesses. Lastly, I wanted to congratulate those who gain acceptance.


I sincerely hope to gain acceptance.



Thank you so much,

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PAStudent,Everyones stats will vary but mine were:Science GPA: 4.0 (retook AP I & II & MICRO classes over during & summer to improve from 2.7)Prerequisite GPA: 3.6Overall GPA including undergrad & post bacc GPA: 2.9 out 2.7ish)HCE: About 4500 paid plus 180 surgical volunteer & 200 shadowing PAI also live in riverside & attended over 60, units at RCC (both riverside & moreno valley campuses)I think the biggest issues you should improve are #1 your science gpa & prerequisite gpa, have a good number of hce (would recommend over minimum of 2000), and have a well written personal statement & it doesn't hurt to be on good terms with a doctor who will write you a nice letter if recommendation. Of mt two letters, one doctor literally just wrote "excellent" on every category but the PA who wrote my letter gave me an acceptional letter. Im sure they know how busy doctors are so they dont necessarily expect an all out perfect report from them (at least as long as you have one well written letter describing you. I was actually worried that for how close I am with this particular doctor that he literally only spent two minutes writing one word in each category "excellent". He was very busy that particular day but hey it worked. Good luck to you.

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Got a hold of the secretary at RCC. She informed me that they mailed out ALL the rest of the acceptance letters on the 10th of April. She told me if I didn't receive anything by Saturday.....you know the rest :-P I've pretty much lost hope on RCC for now, there is still a slight possibility for tomorrow, but I'm only about 60 miles south, shouldn't take the USPS /that/ long to deliver it to me. Guess it looks like I'll be moving the family across the country!

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Thank you for sharing your statistic. It's gives me a ballpark info to which GPA are considered competitive to be accepted to the program. I'm going to try and apply for it this year. Since it's last minute, I'm thinking i'll try my best to write a stellar personal statement and keep up with my recommendations.


Good luck starting in the programs. Thanks for replying

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Does anyone know if RCC mailed out denial letters along with the acceptance letters? I live in Santa Barbara and haven't received anything, so I am a little concerned. I'm wondering that they may be waiting to see how many of those accepted are going to send in their letter of intent and then based on that they will send in another round of acceptances before the denials??? At least that's what I'm hoping...

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Thank you, and your welcome. It's not exactly last minute yet. You still have until august of this year to turn in an application. I've recommended it before to others & I will again to you, if you have classes you need to take or retake, SCUHS in Whittier has an ISP (integrated science program) that offers all prerequisites for RCCs program. Each class is a month long, sat & sun only (8AM-6PM). I retook my A&P & Micro last year, started in April & finished in June took 3 classes got "A's" in all three. Do you can still bump up your science GPA, prerequisite GPA, & overall GPA. It's not too late yet. But yes a stellar personal statement & nice letters of recommendation will go a long way. If you have something written up &/or need help, shoot me a pm & I'll crtique it & help you out/give you advice on what to write about. I feel like I had a very strong personal statement which I believe tremendously helped my application. Cheers, & goodluck to you.

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Shana001 received a letter today, the 18th. I read that you need to accept by the 18th?? Is that what your letter said Shana001? I read in another post that all acceptance letters were mailed on the 10th. Are they sending them out in batches? Anyone know if they sent out the waitlist letters? I am worried my letter got mailed to my last house, or got lost in the mail. I have received pay checks 2 weeks late! Is anyone calling? Do you suggest calling in Pam ? BTW I met you and your fellow class mates at a health fair a few weeks ago. I work with AMR and had the ambulance on display at the entrance. I am optimistic! Perhaps tomorrow will be the day! I hope it does not say to accept by the 18th though! Yikes!

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My letter was dated April 4th, & I received it on saturday April 7th. Not sure if it was post marked the 4th, 5th, or 6th. But I can tell you that it came to my parents house which was the address I had on file on webadvisor & not the address I had filled out in my application. So I would check the address you have on file on webadvisor as a possibility to where it may have been sent IF you were in fact accepted. Also, I am not positive, but I believe they did send out "groups" of acceptance letters. Reason being that someone said they sent out the "last batch" of letters on the 10th. So that would suggest that they sent out at least two batches. Plus, if shana001 JUST received her letter today, I would THINK that would suggest another batch of letters, unless she lives far away or there was some kind of mix up at the postal office or something b/c I can't imagine it taking 8 days for a standard first class letter from USPS to arrive locally. BUT that is assuming the last batch of letters was truely sent out on 10th. Goodluck to you though I hope for the best for you.

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Shana001 received a letter today, the 18th. I read that you need to accept by the 18th?? Is that what your letter said Shana001? I read in another post that all acceptance letters were mailed on the 10th. Are they sending them out in batches? Anyone know if they sent out the waitlist letters? I am worried my letter got mailed to my last house, or got lost in the mail. I have received pay checks 2 weeks late! Is anyone calling? Do you suggest calling in Pam ? BTW I met you and your fellow class mates at a health fair a few weeks ago. I work with AMR and had the ambulance on display at the entrance. I am optimistic! Perhaps tomorrow will be the day! I hope it does not say to accept by the 18th though! Yikes!


OH yeah, it was nice meeting you there! At this point, you are probably safe to call or stop by the office and not look paranoid. I would advise you wait until next week, because we have the accreditation committee there the rest of this week. Good luck!

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fyrelight74 & bms1015,


Thank you both for your responses. bms1015, what would you tell someone who is looking into the B.S. Neuroscience program at UCR?



To be perfectly honest, unless you were looking into becoming a teacher/professor in neuroscience, become a researcher/lab work, or develop medicines & you also wanted to purdue a masters/phd, I would not recommend it. When I applied to transfer to UCR, I originally chose to be a biology pre-med major BUT they said it was full & if I wanted to transfer I could accept neuroscience & change my major after my first year. I ended up liking the classes so I stayed neuroscience but later realized there was not much I could do with the major (that I was interested in at least). With this major, you can still go on to be a dentist, doctor, PA, etc.. But you would have to make sure you pick classes that are pre-med & related to what you want to do. Its a pretty challenging major, focusing on the brain and central nervous system. The major is a combination of half biology & half psychology. You have classes such as functional anatomy of the brain, the study of cognitive thinking: learning & memory, developmental neuroscience (development of the nervous system), neurophysiology, neuropharmacology, drugs & behavior, along with all the lower division core classes of a biology major (biochem, genetics, calc, english, a&p, micro, organic chem, etc..) If youre interested in pursuing a career in the topic or are interested in the topic &.want to learn more about the brain & CNS then become a doctor/PA, then go for it. But, if youre just looking for an easy major to have a BS & become a PA, I would suggest psychology. You will still have a few of these classes & can learn a whole lot about the brain & behavior but its like 10 times easier. I think the coolest thing about this major was getting to do brain surgery on rats & injecting drugs directly into their brains via a cannula & studying the effect the drugs had on their feeding patterns. But anyways, like I said, unless you want to do something specifically related to the field of neuroscience, I would not suggest it.

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I am curious what date is was postmarked?


Hey Launchbrick,

Sorry I haven't been on the forum to reply, but the acceptance letter I received was actually postmarked on April 10 and they said I needed to send the "Letter of Intent" by April 24. I was out of town, so I actually wasn't able to open the letter until I posted it on the forum, sorry for any confusion! How funny, I work for Care Ambulance (: I live in Fullerton so it isn't too far... also, if you don't get in this year, I am an alum from UCR (so I am a little biased) and I say you might as well get your BS, I got mine in Biochemistry but you can get it in whatever you want--science related that way it'll open up more options because you'll be able to apply to more schools and so you're not putting "all your eggs in one basket" also, from what I hear, sooner or later PA's are going to be required to have a masters if you want to hired in the future. I know RCC has a bridge program that allows you to get your masters degree if you already have a bachelors, but I'm not sure if they allow you to come back and get your masters once you've already completed RCC's PA program. Hope this helps! Good luck to you! (:

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I think you mixed up your details on the MS thing for PAs. You will not be required to have a masters to be hired as a PA. Their is talk that by a certain year, all schools will be required to graduate students with a masters degree. However, those students who previously graduated from schools that were not masters programs will be grandfathered in & will still be able to practice as a certified PA & still get hired.

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I think you mixed up your details on the MS thing for PAs. You will not be required to have a masters to be hired as a PA. Their is talk that by a certain year, all schools will be required to graduate students with a masters degree. However, those students who previously graduated from schools that were not masters programs will be grandfathered in & will still be able to practice as a certified PA & still get hired.


Correct! And the advice for putting all eggs in one basket is spot on. I applied to over twenty programs this year and had much better luck than last year when I only Applied to three

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Did you get accepted to more than one program? What school are you going to be attending?


I was accepted to 2, but one of those 2 accepted me pretty early after my interview, around early December. Therefore I ended up turning down 7 more interviews in locations ranging from Northern California, Wisconsin and Florida. Who knows if I would have been accepted to others :-) I did interview at Loma Linda since it is pretty close as well, but got Alternate listed. Whatever the case, I had much better success casting a large net (instead of dropping a few lines) into the water this year.


Of course I'd rather go local and the hospital based clinical rotations at RCC is (from what I hear) amazingly awesome. However, since I haven't received a letter yet I'm 99.9% sure I didn't get into RCC. I came to this conclusion after talking to the secretary there as she told me if you haven't received acceptance notice by last Saturday, it is as a passive/unofficial way of knowing you didn't get into the program. Since the program I got into (University of New England) starts at the end of May, I'm preparing to move my family 3500 miles away to Maine. It should be a fun filled adventure for the next 2 years! :-)

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I was accepted into University of New England starts at the end of May, I'm preparing to move my family 3500 miles away to Maine. It should be a fun filled adventure for the next 2 years! :-)


Oh wow, congrats. I bet that will be a lot of fun! You get to travel & see other parts of the U.S. while also getting your education. Good luck to you & your family. I'm sure you will have a great time & have an awesome experience while getting your degree.

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Congratulations to all those that got accepted, and to those that didn't, don't give up. I'm looking forward to meeting my fellow classmates and getting started. Pam, thank you for all your contributions to the forum, I hope to meet you as well.


Forgive me if this question has been already answered, but does anyone know the class meeting times (e.g., 8-5, 9-6 m-F) the 1st year?

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