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meaningful use cpt codes?

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You need to have these codes entered as an automatic entry when you enter your visit code. Fall, functional status, etc, those should be 10 simple clicks for those two and once for billing.... Yes it ads up, but you're admin will love your compliance



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The government gave your clinic a chunk of money to utilize electronic medical records.  To show that the clinic actually used the money, they need to do some required things: follow generalized "recommended" screening guidelines, like checking for diabetes or screening for depression.  You really need to do it for each patient once per year.  I worked at a company that didn't sign up for this, so it wasn't required.  Many of these things are common sense, and as noted above, you can address this during your visit (I use a PHQ-2 for depression, and expand on it if necessary), etc. That's my understanding anyways.

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