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your highlighted section is important. maybe reword it, but don't remove entirely. I like the direction you are taking with this. it intrigued me from the first sentence. might remove this sentence:At its worst, trichotillomania left me with a bald spot spanning the circumference of the back of my head, and when I could no longer conceal it by putting my hair up into a ponytail.

I think we can get based on earlier stuff you mention that you were having issues with depression. no need to go into this much depth with your sx.

good luck.

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 Thank you very much! Yes I've been going back and forth about what to include and not include. I will probably take it out then


your highlighted section is important. maybe reword it, but don't remove entirely. I like the direction you are taking with this. it intrigued me from the first sentence. might remove this sentence:At its worst, trichotillomania left me with a bald spot spanning the circumference of the back of my head, and when I could no longer conceal it by putting my hair up into a ponytail.

I think we can get based on earlier stuff you mention that you were having issues with depression. no need to go into this much depth with your sx.

good luck.

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might be interesting to include a short section about health care where you grew up.

" growing up in Lebanon, I only knew about doctors and nurses as health care providers. they seemed overworked and forced to work with limited resources. it was not until...that I learned about PAs...

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I grew up mainly in the US actually. That incident happened in '06 during one of our frequent visits


I'm wondering what else I can say during the last paragraph. I feel like it needs more reflection


might be interesting to include a short section about health care where you grew up.

" growing up in Lebanon, I only knew about doctors and nurses as health care providers. they seemed overworked and forced to work with limited resources. it was not until...that I learned about PAs...

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I liked it! I didnt like the paragraph where you mention you had trichotilomania. I feel like you can add a different paragraph here instead that would better fill the space. Maybe focus on why PA and not MD or nursing, and talk about a time you were the health care provider since health care experience is a main component to getting into PA school.

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Thank you. I took out that paragraph after you and others's comments. 


I feel uncertain about writing a paragraph about why PA specifically versus MD or nursing. 


I was attracted to it for many reasons but I don't think any of the reasons would be reasons not to go into MD or nursing. So I shy away from talking about it because I'm not sure it will be genuine. 


I like seeing patients. I like getting thorough histories and being part of the diagnostic process. I like founding out what's wrong and helping to really treat them and be there for the treatment. I like the relationship between PA and MD. I enjoy being part of that team. 


I'm afraid of saying that and someone telling me that, that's not what being a PA is about and that I need more experience to find out what it's about 


I liked it! I didnt like the paragraph where you mention you had trichotilomania. I feel like you can add a different paragraph here instead that would better fill the space. Maybe focus on why PA and not MD or nursing, and talk about a time you were the health care provider since health care experience is a main component to getting into PA school.

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I feel uncertain about writing a paragraph about why PA specifically versus MD or nursing. 


Main reason why I didn't specifically write about not pursuing MD or NP. I chose this path for its own merits and solely focused on those.



However...I'm prepared to answer when and if it comes to an interview. 

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