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Nice Compliment About the PA Profession from a Doc . . . NOT.

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Here is a response, I think from a doc, on my U Tube video about our fair profession. I've responded before, but if you feel so inclined you can follow the link.


A PA is NOT a physician, stop pretending it is. They have on the job training, not theoretical medical knowledge. Medical knowledge is not only on the job but it's major theoretical training. For a PA to be able to do this, he is assuming the role of an MD. This is fraud and would signify the evolution of unregulated health care practitioners replacing regulated MDs and NPs. A good picture would be a monkey with a prescription pad.



is what he is responding to
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humm I wonder how he would feel about PA's if he was the guy that I just Dx intermittent mesenteric ischemia on that had seen numerous doc's that never figured it out, or the guy who was depressed and no energy and had already seen both his PCP and an intern and was recomended to seek counseling that had a testosterone level under 100 (WAY low - but no doc ever checked it) but I did.


would he still think that PA's are dummies? or just playing doctor? At the same time Doc's have taught me things and caught things I have missed. It is the TEAM approach that is what is best for patients and this team can be lead by a Doc, but there is many other critical people to it......



or maybe it was just a troll coming out from underneath the garbage littered subterrain location he/she calls home.....

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