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Anyone taken a.l.s.o.?

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anyone here taken adv. life support in obstetrics ?


I'm taking it this sept.

my global health and tropical med. course had a 3 hr summary lecture/skills station given by some folks who teach this course and it seems like an excellent course for anyone without immediate access to ob at their facility.

even learned how to do a poor man's c-section:


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Jeez Lousie e, I had never even HEARD of it.


I suppose it might be a fun course. who sponsors it?



it's a joint presentation by the fp and ob natl organizations. lots of good stuff like ways of managing difficult breech and shoulder dystocia presentations, etc

check out the link I posted above. I'm hoping to do both more overseas/disaster work and more rural work from here on out so a stronger ob foundation just makes sense. on 2 of my last 3 Haiti trips we have delivered babies, both relatively nl although the last one had a lot of meconium and had to be suctioned and resuscitated( airway support and chest compressions) for a few min before they perked up. I have yet to have to deal with a precipitous er delivery but 2 of my partners have( 1 in the parking lot and another-no kidding- a lesbian with abdominal pain who "couldn't possibly be pregnant"-her partner was not pleased when my buddy started the pelvic and saw crowning....)

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  • 5 months later...
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Just finished my ALSO course today. would highly recommend for anyone working in em, rural practice, or potentially overseas.

it's taught over 2 very full days (7a-5p) with multiple lectures and skill stations. final exam is a written test which wasn't too bad and a "megadelivery" in which everything goes wrong in 3 different scenarios.

the course has a very strong focus on teaching techniques for shoulder dystocia, breech, preterm labor, post partum hemorrhage, c-section technique and pitfalls, delivery with forceps or vacuum extraction, meds in obgyn, etc

great course. I took it with a bunch of newbie fp residents and think I may have been the oldest student in the room...some of the residents had never seen first runs of a show called "ER" which they played clips from because they were in elementary school when it started....sigh....

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Jeez Lousie e, I had never even HEARD of it.


Yep EMEDPA is on the cutting edge of new conferences.

In fact he told me of a few more he's attending this year:


Physician Associate: Seminar Training Underutilized Deployees

Emergency Medicine Retreat On Communicating Knowledge Sets

Hand-Off Leader’s Yearly Conference- Resuscitation And Principles

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nope, 40's...but the guy teaching my a.l.s.o. course today is a 70 yr old ob who still takes call and travels extensively on international medical missions...

and check this guy out...:



you are as old as you feel....in my last 50 mile ultramarathon I got beaten by a 67 yr old....

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