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Post 911 GI Bill, since Dec 2010 changes

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I was taking advantage of the Post 911 GI Bill while I was an undergraduate, but I am wondering how the classes that have matriculated, since the Dec 2010 changes are experiencing the results of VA policy changes due to the modifications congress enacted in December of 2010.


As I understand it:

1. private program PA students get up to 17.5K a year for tuition from VA

2. in-state public program students get 100% of tuition payed


So what this leaves me wondering is; do out-of-state public program students get their tuition payed only up to the amount of in-state tuition and make up the difference themselves? Some programs ask for one time payment for the year and the VA always payed my tuition by the semester. Anyone run into this hiccup? During my undergrad the 911 GI Bill picked up the cost of all the fees, since,regarding a PA program, there are soooooo many program fees besides just tuition, how much did the VA pay for you?

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Very interesting situation, I have no idea on what the answer would be on this issue. But I do know that I am going to get the max for my program and I was given a scholarship by the college to cover the rest that the GiBill wont cover. I was also told that as long as you buy on book a semester you still can get the book stipend which then can be applied to other costs and fees. But who knows if this is a fact or not.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am having some questions about the GI Bill changes as well although they are not the same as you. When I was at my program's meet and greet this past weekend I had the opportunity to ask a few questions about the Post 9-11 GI Bill. My understanding is the fees or extra costs associated with out of state tuition is covered by the yellow ribbon program. However for the normal fees I am not sure. If your program is not a public university, then you will get the 17.5k annual payment. As for the yearly tuition part, I would suggest that you shoot a few emails to the VA rep at your school/program. Personally I am wondering if the time I spent activated for the hurricanes prior to my deployment will add to it. From the announcement on the VA website it looks like it will count but they are not truly specific on the time period of activation. Anyway, I hope this helps

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Guest Hdjdjbxj

Your best bet is to contact the VA and ask 1888GIBILL1.


I was told by my program that the Yellow Ribbon Scholarship is LIMITED to 1 student and would only cover $4500/yr not the difference in GI Bill and Tuition/Fees. Also, just spoke with them last Friday and was told that the Dec 2010 changes have not been implemented (at least until August 2011).

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  • 9 months later...
  • 3 months later...

The coverage will vary depending on school and your state residency. The yellow ribbon covers up to a maximum, but any state school will cover you in full most cases, however your benefits (BAH, book stipend, etc) will be effected. Additionally with the new 9/11 bill the student will no longer receive the difference of funding minus actual costs, that money goes back to the VA. Long story short, if you get a scholarship or grant you have to use that or the VA, you can NOT use both simaltaneously as opposed to the old 9/11 bill where the student who earned a scholarship or grant could utilize those funds for living expenses in addtion to BAH. The $1000.00 annual stipend for books and supplies also is prorate in this new system, thus meaning that your 1k will have to last you three semesters. Hope this helps

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I'd also like to chime in to make sure you're actually using ALL of your benefits. You can use 36 months of one particular chapter of GI Bill, but 48 months total. In my case, I used 1607, then got an add'l yr of 33. It's yours, might as well use it!

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