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PA school lectures available for the public?

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I know there are some "open courses" from some medical schools online for public access.  Some schools put up the powerpoints, and I've heard that there are some sites where you can actually view video of the med school class lectures.


Is there anywhere where one can see the materials from a PA school, either the powerpoints, or even better, video of the lectures?  Either officially, released by the school, or unofficially, where someone may have posted materials up somewhere?  I will be applying to PA schools in the next cycle, and thought it'd be a good idea to learn a bit about/from the didactic curriculum in the time before starting classes.


Thank you!

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Depending on the school you will be taking classes in conjunction with med students/PT students and even MS Anatomy students so I think any medical school lectures would be sufficient for these purposes. There are tons of Youtube channels dedicated to e-teaching medical students. Dr. Najeeb is a good one if you can get past his accent.

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I know there are some "open courses" from some medical schools online for public access.  Some schools put up the powerpoints, and I've heard that there are some sites where you can actually view video of the med school class lectures.


Is there anywhere where one can see the materials from a PA school, either the powerpoints, or even better, video of the lectures?  Either officially, released by the school, or unofficially, where someone may have posted materials up somewhere?  I will be applying to PA schools in the next cycle, and thought it'd be a good idea to learn a bit about/from the didactic curriculum in the time before starting classes.


Thank you!

Better to query students at programs you are interested in about the lectures and mode of delivery. Can give you a better insight into what you will be facing.

Viewing lectures prior to start of school is likely not to get you anywhere. Programs are just that, programmed to get you to an endpoint.

Also, just because a lecture is posted by a school or student does not mean that it is representative of what you will get on a regular basis for a variety of reasons.


There is also little incentive to set something like this up. There is so much CME available for free I do not think anymore is necessary. 

Plenty of incentive to do this. Many entities doing this to promote FOAMed. Asynchronous learning and flipped classrooms are the future of lifelong learning. Free CME used to be only available with heavy sponsorship. Streaming technology, a refocus on education technique and legal limitations placed on sponsorship have created a wide open venue for clinicians worldwide. This is just the beginning, great things will proceed from here on out.


G Brothers PA-C

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Totally agree with above post. FOAM and the like are the future of medical education and continued education. The trouble you can get into is taking things as true from a lecture - always check into the referenced articles yourself aka read the fine print. However most of these are geared towards residents or practicing clinicians. For the OP another good source is the khan academy they have a section on medical issues.

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