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New Grad Primary Care Offer-- Need Advice

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I am a recent new grad and was offered a full time position at a privately owned primary care practice. The practice has 20+ docs and 10+ PA's.  The practice is growing and I wanted to know if this is a good offer.



15 days off

$1000 towards licensing, etc

$2000 towards CME

75% coverage of health and dental insurance (I pay 25%)

1st year, required to take call once a month

Productivity bonus every month (provider gets 10% after $70,000)

Required to sign a 3 year contract


I really don't have anything to compare it to so any opinions/advice would be great!



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first off - productivity bonus is total bull **** no way you are going to gross more then 70k/month in Primary care unless you are a crook - so no bonus for you

second - hourly is about $10/hour low

third - PTO is way low at 15 days - need 3 weeks min for vacation, 1-2 weeks for sick/personal, 12 holidays and 3 CME

fourth - 3 yr contract - ahhh that is a deal breaker in it self - employment at will - you will likely want to leave in 1-2 years.....




I would hand them a copy of the AAPA salary data (it is reliable no matter what they say) 


aim for about 60% percentile



BUT the most important thing is rather they will mentor you?

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  • 2 weeks later...

What is the average that you primary care guys and gals gross per month or per quarter? My bonus is going to be 25% of collections after overhead for fee-for-service patients and $50/patient/day for the Medicare capitated plans added to the gross collections. My goal will be to see 15-20 patients a day with a mix of plans. (I have 5 years experience in FP, just need to get up to speed with eclinicalworks)- I've been out of FP for 2 years.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree with the above.


What is in there regarding potential salary increases for your hourly rate (aside from bonuses). $35 seems low. Especially, since you're signing on for three years. 


Also, whats up with your vacation time / sick time / holidays? Is the 15 days inclusive of all this?


Mentoring is pivotal for many new graduates. Look into what kind of support they are offering --  if this is important to you.

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Dont sign a 3 year contract. This is called indentured servitude in prior centuries. 

Likely in this privately owned practice, this type of model is used by business savvy (I would question their ethics) owners to extend their patient volume into the community. 

Volume is the only way to make the money and that means overhead needs lowering.

You are the overhead.

I doubt you will get much support nor mentoring in this environment.

Good luck.

G Brothers PA-C

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