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Hippo PA

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I wanted to write a brief note describing my experience with the HippoPA review course.


I just recertified (2nd recert) and was quite worried about it. I am a father of a 3-yr old daughter, with another one due imminently, and a lot depends on this exam. It's hard to get the time to study, as well as the desire, when you and your spouse both work full-time/on-call, and have so much on the plate.


I decided to try HippoPA after trying their free sample on the site. It seemed like a decent review, and one that would also provide me with 50 CMEs at the end. There's simply no way I could get out to a review course, and I recently started another job, so I decided this might be a good route for me.


I really, really enjoyed the course. It's fun, interesting, and most of the speakers (especially the two guys who run the site) are excellent. Some are on the drier side, but the information's there. 


Also-I liked how they had mini-tests of just 10 questions. I could fit those in after rounds, while waiting for a case, or when Peppa Pig is playing on the TV distracting my daughter for 5 minutes. It was really helpful, and by the end of a busy day I often found I'd done 50 or so questions. I think their test bank is around 1500 questions? Not sure, but there are a lot.


I honestly found myself looking forward to the video segments, as it made it easy to learn the stuff I needed. Also, I got a better understanding of topics that I was not so familiar with. Stuff I don't deal with every day. So, it was much appreciated that they made it accessible.


I also used the PanceMaster site, which I found useful. I took a bunch of their 60 question tests, and found them to be pretty good overall. Good practice for the actual test.


Downsides to HippoPA? It's around 4-500$, which is expensive if your work doesn't reimburse you. Also, you need internet/computer access for the site (I think you can download a bunch of stuff to your device, but I found it easier to access it on an iPad, and take it with me to the library, etc.) I didn't feel that it went over pharmacology as well as I'd like-I did mention this to them for the future. 


That said, I really enjoyed it, and highly recommend it. I'd keep a subscription to it if the CME renewed every year, but it does not-the 2 main guys there have other sites that you can get CME with, and I plan to do that, too. However for PA-specific stuff, I really liked the HippoPA site.


My score on the PANRE was good, especially considering I had a medical issue on exam day that made it much more of a struggle, but I think I was so well-prepared that I was able to absorb some errors in judgement on the test that day. 


Best of luck to those certifying/recerting!

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Hippo has been around for just a short time in the CME world compared to other organizations. I think they mean to be a player and they definitely have hit on a lot of key points especially with the emphasis on streaming lectures. Many individuals in need of CME but restricted by money, family obligations, work schedule can use this as a viable option. The one battle they will have to win is being approved for Self Assessment CME, I would anticipate that they are trying to obtain this stamp of approval considering the focus is on review. As for the price, I think you get a reasonable return for that. There are the downloadable pdf summaries, quick video summaries of each section and the questions/CME in addition to the actual streaming lecture. If anyone thinks the $500 for this is expensive then they need to go to a conference. Here is a comparison:


$500 for Hippo

50 Credits CME

$10 per credit


Conference registration fee $645

Hotel 5 night stay $1200

drove, did not fly

30 credits CME

$61.50 per credit

This was my expense for attending AAPA Impact 2014, didnt include meals (or Dranks!!!)


Quite a difference. Not to say that all conferences should be replaced by streaming. Conferences that are workshop heavy or used to teach a skill or work in small groups obviously cant be streamed. There is also the networking with peers and engaging vendors. But the usual lecture hall type conference can be supplanted easily by the streaming format especially when the ability to ask questions is included. Smart CME providers are realizing this and at least making an offering of their usual conferences as a streaming product. 


G Brothers PA-C

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Agree! I decided to save a bit of cash and use HIPPO PA instead of a review course as many of my classmates did prepping for the PANCE. I was a little on edge it wouldn't be enough but since I was a new grad some info would be fresh yet. They kept things interesting and I could stop and start if I needed to. Impossible to do at a review course. I'm not saying one's better than the other, but for me, it worked out best.

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