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Physician Assistant Program Tuition and Cost

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For a detailed cost comparison analysis of all 200 physician assistant programs in the United States. http://www.thepalife.com/2015-physician-assistant-program-tuition-and-cost-comparison-table/.


Most Expensive In State

Long Island University $106,000
Marquette University 102,600
New Yourk Intitute of Technlogy 102,900
Most Inexpensive In State
CUNY York $13,041
Stony Brook University New York  $22,500
Medical University of South Carolina $22,941
Most Inexpensive Out of State
CUNY York College $22,290
D’youville College $23,000
Nova Southeastern University, Orlando $28,960


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the higher the degree awarded the more you will pay. what makes the most sense for someone with lots of HCE is to get the lowest level degree you are eligible for. for most medics and nurses this will be a BS as they likely already have an A.S.

start working as a PA and gradually take courses towards your next degree. Touro's postgrad MS program 100% online costs less than 7200 total. then if you are so inclined work on a doctorate for 40k or so.

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