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More Psych/Soc??

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So I'm in the awkward position of needing one more psych or soc class ONLY because une requires an extra (compared to my other schools) AND being offered a fall interview. Obviously I'd rather not take the class unless I knew I was in since other schools don't require it, but prereqs have to be complete by December to matriculate. So my question for you all is... Anyone out there take an accelerated class that could be started after hearing my app decision in October and finished by December? Anything super easy and inexpensive? I imagine online is my only option. Any specific recommendations? Thanks!

 At often times, a related behavioral science can be women's studies, cultural anthropology, criminal justice, modern world history, or political science. If you still have access to your classes and their distribution description you can see if you already took a class that fulfills UNE's requirement. 

 At often times, a related behavioral science can be women's studies, cultural anthropology, criminal justice, modern world history, or political science. If you still have access to your classes and their distribution description you can see if you already took a class that fulfills UNE's requirement. 


Hmm, that's a good thought.  I did take a couple of courses way back when--one through the religion department and one through philosophy--that were cross listed as anthropology.  I guess it can't hurt to ask UNE.  They're the only school I've come across that requires TWO such courses as PA prereqs.  Some day, prereqs for PA school will become standardized like they are for med school.  In the mean time, looks like I've still got a little hoop-jumping to do.  


Anyone else have any specific online SOC or PSYC courses you'd recommend (not a lot of work and quick (<6 or 8 weeks) to complete?  



There are a number of test-out options for psych and sociology. 


Check out CLEP. Check out the DSST tests: these were designed as a way for military personnel to get college credits while serving, but they're also open to civilians and colleges generally accept them as credit. Excelsior college also offers a lot of credit-by-exam tests. These are accredited, but I would still check with your school to see if they're accepted.


Both DSST and Excelsior have a lot of psych coursework. Typically exams cost about 80 bucks and you get 3 credits in return. You have to buy textbooks too, of course, but you don't have to get gouged for the three-hundred dollar 10th edition when the two dollar 5th edition is just as good. I've found that credits-by-exam have helped me hone and fine-tune my study skills in a way traditional classes could not -- I've learned how to upload a lot of information into my brain in a very short amount of time. The one downside to this approach is schools sometimes won't accept it for prerequisites, but I've gotten past two schools' Developmental Psych requirements with my DSST credits. 

  • Administrator

Suck it up and take the most applicable class you can find.  You will deal with more behavioral health issues than your pre-PA self can realize, if and when you pass PANCE.  General, Abnormal, and Developmental/Lifespan should probably be required for every PA everywhere.  I had 16 undergrad hours and 8 grad hours of behavioral health when I started PA school, and I still feel so far behind the curve after two years of family practice.

Suck it up and take the most applicable class you can find. You will deal with more behavioral health issues than your pre-PA self can realize, if and when you pass PANCE. General, Abnormal, and Developmental/Lifespan should probably be required for every PA everywhere. I had 16 undergrad hours and 8 grad hours of behavioral health when I started PA school, and I still feel so far behind the curve after two years of family practice.

Hey Rev, send me a check for $1000, and I'll gladly take more enrichment coursework! It's not about sucking it up. It's about taking time off work over the next few months for interviews and about paying for flights, hotels, and rental cars in the process. (Not to mention all the psych class I'd be missing.) I'm grateful for the surprising number of invitations I've received, but when one school wants me to take yet another class amidst it all, I can't say the timing (and finances) make taking more psych particularly feasible. The spirit of your comment is noted however and I'll keep that in mind as I come nearer to practice...


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