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Supplemental Application Question

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I think an admissions committe might notice if you cut and pasted your CASPA narrative instead of taking the time to write something specific for them.


I would sit down and take the few minutes to taylor something for the specific program.  You can use your CASPA narrative as a guide but don't make it seem like you just copied it.

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A chance to write something free-form in an application is best not viewed as filling space, such as copying what you already wrote.


They will have already read what you have already written.


Think of this as a chance to tell them something new that might make them more interested in having you join their program.

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I thought that too but the supplemental application I am working on (for UF) is pretty much a brief version of CASPA. They ask exactly the same questions. The statement of purpose has a limit of 5000 characters just like the CASPA essay so I was not sure. 

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Ideally you had too much content to include everything in your CASPA statement.  Here's a chance to say all the things you didn't have space for and to underscore the big reasons why you feel you'd be an asset to the school and profession.  Obviously they've already read you CASPA statement, and it would be a big mistake to resubmit that.  But if you shed new light on the same themes and strengths, I imagine that can only serve your application.  Good luck! 

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