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First job offer - advice please!

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Hello. I will be a new grad with extensive prior HCE as a CNA and in research and coming from a competitive program. My ideal jobs were EM or hospitalist but this is a FM practice that I interviewed with and I do also enjoy FM (prefer sick pts tho). It is a pretty good location for me in a non rural under served area. I am a couple months out from graduating and this was my first interview. It's a nice facility and seems well organized.


85k first 3 mos during training period then 90k after (going to ask for 95 to see what happens)

Malpractice bennies 401k retirement covered


10 day paid vacation and 5 paid holidays

3% profit share which wasn't elaborated on and said some years there may be no profit


Shifts are 8-5 or 11-8 and alternating Saturday 9-5 with subsequent one weekday off


The doc is very enthusiastic about teaching which I really liked a lot and wants someone to teach from the ground up. They have another PA who has worked about a decade who also said they are happy to teach. MAs triage all pts and is EMR. Sounds like average pt load once I'm confident is 20-25 ppd.


What do you guys think? Also please please advice to negotiate and what should I negotiate for? Thanks as always. I really like this position but it was my first interview and I'm a little hesitant to potentially lose out on something better.

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if they have that type of patient volume it is not unreasonable to ask for low 90's. However, you are new and will need a lot of support. Regardless of how many years someone is a CNA they will need a ton of support as a new PA. After 1-2 years you could propose a larger salary boost than cost of living especially if you have a clear patient following. Or you could segue into ED or IM. I think family med is a great way to build a foundation esp with two senior clinicians to give you guidance. 

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Is there such a things as extensive HCE experience as a CNA?  Not to be argumentative or elitist here, but CNA experience did not count as HCE when I went to PA school.  If that is your experience, you will find that you will need plenty of support as you start, as others have alluded. Make sure you take a job where you will get that nurturing.

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