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2014 Applicants

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I just got an email from admissions saying that they had received my application and it is being reviewed! From what I've seen on the TNU thread, the earliest they have sent out interview invites is late September, so I doubt anything will happen before then. Has anyone heard differently? 


Here are my stats - please weigh in on whether or not this looks competitive! 

I am applying from Ohio, graduated with my Bachelor's in Psych from Miami of Ohio and have worked as a Mental Health Spec at Children's Hospital for 6 months. I have a 3.7 cumulative GPA, 4.0 BCP science & 3.88 other science, and got a 304 on the GRE. I also have about 75 shadowing hours. Letters of Rec. were from an ortho PA, my A&P professor, and my clinical supervisor. 


Good luck to all! 

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Yeah, I got the same email yesterday.


I would like to know what I look like as an applicant also. My stats are 3.9 cumulative GPA, 3.7 science GPA, and just took the GRE today and made 308. I have 300+ emergency room volunteer hours and about 70 shadowing hours of a PA in the emergency room, as well as some shadowing of doctors, nurses, and techs in the emergency room as well. Thanks and good luck!

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I too am applying to Travecca! 




3.45 science gpa and 3.5 cum gpa (Due to the way CASPA calculates gpa after retaking class my gpa sounds low....made straight A's last 2 years of college and every retaken class).


GRE 300


6000+ hours as an ED/Ortho Tech in a Level One Trauma Center, 350 hours shadowing (MD's, DO's, PAs), a ton of volunteer work (probably close to 400-500 hours).


Currently still working ED/Ortho Tech job, will be working as anatomy lab intern for College of Medicine starting in Sept through the fall semester (interns have group cadaver to work on, access to COM simulation lab, and research opportunities), and will also start late fall/early spring with Orthopedic Residency Program at my hospital doing chart review for research. Exciting stuff! 


Best of luck to all applying!!!!

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