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How busy a PA can be

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There are many different kinds of health care settings such as hospitals, family practice clinics, nursing homes, psychiatric facilities. There are also many different kinds of clinics from busy urban clinics to less busy rural ones and in between. As for me I plan to stay away from ER jobs because the pace and the stress are too much for me. But I've also shadowed in a semi-rural family practice clinic and the pace was reasonable. You'll have to hustle, but then every boss wants their employees to hustle even if they pay only $8 per hour.


I have shadowed a PA who told me she worked a few years at a rural family practice clinic where they were "abusing her" by overloading her with patients. She eventually quit and works at a specialty clinic where she is much happier and less stressed. Even after all the effort prepare for PA school and get through PA school you may have to do a bit more work to find a job situation that works well for you. PAs are in high demand now, though, so I expect an unhappy PA really can quit and find another job in short order.


I hope that helps.

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Ditto to very....and the very busy isnt just what you need to, it the constant interuptions from nursing, lab, ekg tech, (theyre busy too) in the dynamic setting which requires tweaks and adjustments depending on how patients do. And while, new patients come in. I was literally packing a nose bleed on an old old guy today, yes it was a bit of a mess, when a nurse came and said, "i need u to come over and talk to her (pointing across the room) bc she is leaving". Thats just a tiny example of how pressed for time most of us are. Everything right now, see more, do more. Always at least two things to do at the same time. And im still grappling with doing a lot of things myslef (wasting time) bc i cant get people who r suppose to do things, to do them. (Collect urine, send labs, ekgs, find supplies that are out, call metro, etc) You will too. It drives me crazy. Might drive youu crazy.

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