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Lifestyle & Quality of Life as a PA

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Pre-PA student starting PA school next year!  I wanted to drop a line and find out how the profession has treated you so I can know what to expect.


I know answers will vary depending on specialty/location...etc:


1.  Do you get a lot of personal satisfaction from your job?

2.  Are you able to have the standard of living that you wanted?  (I know that 90-100k doesn't go as far as it use to but is still a decent salary!)

3.  Do you have much time for your family/hobbies/vacations?

4.  Does your employer provide any perks with your contract?

5.  Are you happy with the relationship you have with your SP?

6.  What is your specialty and what are your hours like?


Thank you.

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I'm kinda surprised you haven't already checked these things out since your post indicates you have already been accepted to a program.

The ans. to all of your questions is, it depends. But I will give it a try based on my experience.

1. Overall yes. Although sometimes you just want to go be a welder or anything not connected to medicine.

2. Would I like to have more money, of course. We are a two income family, wife is a NICU RN, MSN, which allows us to live comfortably but a long way from well to do. My wife drives a 10 yr old car and we are still paying children's school loans and our house isn't paid for. If you think you are going to come out of school with no experience and start at 90-100 K/yr you might want to re think this PA thing. Some new grads make this but they are the exception.

3. Another one of those depends questions. Most PAs work M-F 8-5, some work 4 12s or any number of combinations. For several yrs. I had to take call 2 nights a week and every other week end. Most my time as a PA I have worked 8-5 however I was in the office an hour early to return calls, review labs etc. I then stayed another hour after closing to return calls, keep ahead of the charting and review the next days charts and enjoy the peace and quiet. Many days I ate lunch at my desk and some days there was no lunch. Vacation time should be spelled out in your contract. Although often you take it when your employer decides when you get to take it.

4. Your "perks" should be spelled out in your contract. Your benefits can vary widely from employer to employer.

5. Some SPs are great and some are jerks.

6 I work in FP M-F from 8AM until the last patient is seen. Plus the 1 hr before and after I mentioned. I see on avg. 25 pts/day.

Have you really thought this through? Being a PA is not a laid back skate job.

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I have done my research and know that this is what I want to do.  I know that being a PA can be very stressful and I have worked high stress jobs all my life, but I have also heard that within different specialties things can vary greatly. 


I shadowed PAs in Urgent Care and Interventional Radiology.  My Urgent Care PA seemed stressed and worked over the expected hours (which I think was 3 12s), but that was because he is a partial owner of the chain of clinics.  The Interventional Radiology PA seemed to have a much more standard 8-5 job and generally was pretty stress free but busy. 


Since those were my only points of reference I was hoping to get some others.  I think personally I would be ok being paid less to have more time for family and other things.

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1.  Do you get a lot of personal satisfaction from your job? Yes

2.  Are you able to have the standard of living that you wanted?  (I know that 90-100k doesn't go as far as it use to but is still a decent salary!) Yes

3.  Do you have much time for your family/hobbies/vacations? NO, NO, NO

4.  Does your employer provide any perks with your contract? NA

5.  Are you happy with the relationship you have with your SP? Yes, Yes, Yes

6.  What is your specialty and what are your hours like? Headache/Practice Owner - 60+ hours per week.

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I have done my research and know that this is what I want to do.  I know that being a PA can be very stressful and I have worked high stress jobs all my life, but I have also heard that within different specialties things can vary greatly. 


I shadowed PAs in Urgent Care and Interventional Radiology.  My Urgent Care PA seemed stressed and worked over the expected hours (which I think was 3 12s), but that was because he is a partial owner of the chain of clinics.  The Interventional Radiology PA seemed to have a much more standard 8-5 job and generally was pretty stress free but busy. 


Since those were my only points of reference I was hoping to get some others.  I think personally I would be ok being paid less to have more time for family and other things.


Bubo 101


Out of curiosity, how much HCE do you have and what kind?

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Bubo 101


Out of curiosity, how much HCE do you have and what kind?




Sure thing, I am an EMT and have about 1500 hours of experience.  I work at a plasma donation bank and perform physicals, take medical histories, review blood labs, respond to and treat adverse donor reactions...all under the supervision of my SP.  I've been very happy with the experience. 

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1.  Do you get a lot of personal satisfaction from your job?

2.  Are you able to have the standard of living that you wanted?  (I know that 90-100k doesn't go as far as it use to but is still a decent salary!)

3.  Do you have much time for your family/hobbies/vacations?

4.  Does your employer provide any perks with your contract?

5.  Are you happy with the relationship you have with your SP?

6.  What is your specialty and what are your hours like?


Thank you.

 1. yes

2. yup

3. not really. I typically work 50 hrs/week or so. totally random schedule at 3 different facilities. have not taken a real vacation with the family in probably 5 years.

4. yup, lots.

5. after years of doing this that answer is finally yes. a few years ago I decided I was tired of being miserable and sought out several new positions that treat me well and offer me a good scope of practice.

6. EM.

primary job 12 night shifts/mo. @ satelite facility of urban trauma ctr. solo coverage

per diem job #1 1 three day weekend/mo(12 hr shifts) @ rural /critical access hospital double coverage with md

per diem job #2 12-60 hrs/mo solo coverage of rural/critical access hospital

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To the experienced PA's that have already chimed in-what other specialties have you worked?  What specialties have the reputation of the least and most hours worked?

Specialty PA's are rare as hens teeth around here in California-I know they exist-I just never see or hear from them.

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