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Electronic Health Records . . . the Good, Bad and Not-so-ugly

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I thought we had a posting or two about EHR. I only found one and it was about the bad. I read all the posts there but decided to start a new, more appropriate (to what I'm looking for) post.


What's some good ones?


Choosing and EHR is a huge decision that can make or break a practice. I'm looking at Allscripts Myway and really like it. Then today someone introduced me to the free EHR, Practicefusion. Anyone with experience, especially with the latter? Any (not mentioned EHRs) that you love?

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I was just looking at practice fusion earlier this week, the price is good for a new start up, and it has an arrangement for billing as well for a company that is decent price. You can always print the charts and change EMR once the practice is up and running and generating reinbursement.



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I was just looking at practice fusion earlier this week, the price is good for a new start up, and it has an arrangement for billing as well for a company that is decent price. You can always print the charts and change EMR once the practice is up and running and generating reinbursement.




Isn't it basically free? I understand if you op-out of the ads, then it is $100/month, correct?

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We use GE Centricity in our office. I love EMR! Most offices have just barely touched the surface of what their EMR can do. We stumble across something almost monthly that we can do more easily. I think Centricity may be one of the more expensive programs, though. Very easy to work with, though.


any idea on price for a 1-2 person practice?

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We use GE Centricity in our office. I love EMR! Most offices have just barely touched the surface of what their EMR can do. We stumble across something almost monthly that we can do more easily. I think Centricity may be one of the more expensive programs, though. Very easy to work with, though.


We were considering Centricity for my present practice. We went through an evening of training. I loved it. Then we got a price quote of 74K for the set up. There is no way I'm spending any amount of money like that in my new practice.


I've also gone through Allscripts Myway. I love it. It would cost my new practice about $1100 for five years. I was about to settle on it. Then I was introduced to PracticeFusion, which is $100/month. It seems there must be a catch. It can be free if you allow ads. Does anyone have experience with PracticeFusion?

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Yes, the way our office got Centricity was a bit different. Doctor was in a practice with several other doctors. When he started his own practice, he wanted to take his patients (and their records) with him. He was allowed to take a version of Centricity with him without the $74000. Then he just had to pay for copies to several workstations, and later, upgrades.


Here is a list online from the AAFP of customer satisfaction with their EMR: http://www.aafp.org/fpm/2005/1000/p29.html ...pretty informative. I've only worked with 2-3 other systems besides Centricity, and can't even remember the name of some of them. Epic, McKesson... not sure the other one.

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Yes, the way our office got Centricity was a bit different. Doctor was in a practice with several other doctors. When he started his own practice, he wanted to take his patients (and their records) with him. He was allowed to take a version of Centricity with him without the $74000. Then he just had to pay for copies to several workstations, and later, upgrades.


Here is a list online from the AAFP of customer satisfaction with their EMR: http://www.aafp.org/fpm/2005/1000/p29.html ...pretty informative. I've only worked with 2-3 other systems besides Centricity, and can't even remember the name of some of them. Epic, McKesson... not sure the other one.


Hey, that link was very helpful. I had searched all over the place for reviews,, comparisons and etc. and they are really hard to find. Based on that link, I will investigate e-MDs and add it to my list. Thanks.

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I only have experience with ER based systems (Picis pulsecheck and cerner millenium), and the 2 concerns from a provider point of view: Check boxes are fine, but I need a place where I can free text descriptions and information, somethings just can't be described well within the confines of a checkbox. Also, with the cerner system we have, you check/uncheck boxes (or freetext) and the system places it into the look of a dictated note. While this looks better and is easier to read in the end, sometimes when you freetext into it's boxes, it makes sentences and phrases that don't make sense (and since this is a new system for me...many extra hours re-reading these notes to make sure they make sense!)

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